Responding to the Needs of Our Nation: A Look at the Fulbright and NSEP Education Acts
Fulbright Amendment, National Security Education Act of 1991, study abroad, education abroad, higher educationAbstract
This article looks at the federal government’s two major forays into education abroad—Fulbright’s amendment to the Surplus Property Act in 1946, and the National Security Education Act of 1991. Part I is a brief outline of the historical precedents for federal involvement. Parts II and III provide an overview of the so-called Fulbright and Boren Acts, respectively. How the pieces of legislation embody the personal ideas of each senator is reflected in Part IV. Next, Part V underscores the appealing political features of each text. Part VI traces the conceptual evolution of “national security” since World War II, and Part VII focuses on what all this has meant for higher education. In this article, I show how changes over the forty-five-year span between the two acts has influenced their provisions, their tones, and, ultimately, their outcomes after passage.
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