Guidelines for the Education Abroad Teaching and Learning Toolbox

Submission Types

1. Program Model: Submissions under this type provide an overview of the study abroad program and highlight key features thereof. They are aligned with the criteria for The Forum’s Curriculum Award and should therefore include the following components:

- Completed Course Profile Form, which can be accessed by clicking

- Reflective Essay, which can range from approximately 500 to 1,500 words.

- Course/Program Artifacts:

  • Each of the following artifacts is required: syllabus, signature assignment, and schedule.
  • More artifacts can be submitted, e.g., sample student products, assessments, author developed rubric, or other artifacts. These are optional.
  • There is no word limit on artifacts; however, please see further below in the Content Guidelines for an important note on the use of figures, graphics, illustrations, images, and tables.

NOTE: If individuals/groups wish to have their program model submissions considered for The Forum on Education Abroad’s Excellence in Curriculum Award, they must indicate their interest in the online submission form. Either way, they are encouraged to consult the guidance in the hyperlinked webpage as they prepare their program model submissions.

2. Case Study: Author(s) making submissions under this type document a single program/course in detail and examine it considering frameworks, theories, and/or assessment evidence leading to new insights.  A Case Study submission is a reflective exercise to illustrate use of evidence-based practices, to share novel approaches, and to evidence scholarly teaching in action. Author(s) of this type of submission are encouraged to consult the Case study submissions should range between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length, exclusive of references and figures. Exceptions may be considered; however, manuscripts longer than 10,000 words must clearly warrant the additional space.


Content Guidelines

Title, Abstract, and Keywords

All submissions to the Teaching and Learning Toolbox (T&LT) must include a title, an abstract of no more than 150 words, and a list of up to five keywords that can be used to find the published material. This information should be included in the online submission form, and it should appear on the first page of the submitted document. Upon acceptance, authors will be invited to submit a translation of the abstract into a second language of their choice for publication.

Note: Your article title, keywords, and abstract all contribute to its position in search engine results.  Your choices directly affect the number of people who see your work. You may find these tips on how to help readers find your work of assistance.

Author Information: All T&LT submissions must include the first and last names, institutional/organizational affiliations, and short (75-word) biographies of all co-authors. Contact information, especially an email address, must be provided for at least the first or corresponding author as identified. This information should be included in the online submission form.

Anonymity: The title, abstract, keywords, and corresponding author name and email should be included on the first page of the uploaded document only. There should be no identifying information related to the author(s) or institution(s) involved in the work included in the body of the manuscript.

Authorial Voice: We welcome T&LT submissions written with various authorial identities and narrative practices, e.g., using third- vs. first-person or passive vs. active voice. Authors are advised to be both intentional in establishing their authorial identity and consistent in applying their narrative practices. For more information, please see Frontiers' policy on voice.

Copyright: All submitted T&LT submissions must be original and may not have been published elsewhere. All accepted manuscripts are published online under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. Authors retain the copyright to their work. Users may read, copy, and distribute the work in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes, provided the authors and the journal are appropriately credited. The users are not allowed to remix, transform or build upon the published material.

Format: T&LT submissions must be submitted in an editable Word (or compatible) format. Authors must adhere to the following minimum format requirements:

  • Times New Roman should be used, at a size of 12 pt.
  • Title should appear in bold.
  • Headings should be italicized and numbered (e.g., 2., 2.1., 2.1.1.).
    • DO NOT use style sheets or other advanced formatting options.
  • Double-spacing should be used throughout T&LT submissions.
  • Page numbers should be used.


  • Any and all in-text citations and references must be in correct APA
  • The reference list must include Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for all digital content for which they are available.
  • A quick and useful reference guide to APA style is available here.

Tables, figures, and illustrations: All tables, figures, illustrations, etc., should be included within the same document as the text of the manuscript. Tables and figures should be provided in editable formats (i.e., do not “paste as image”). Images should be JPG or GIF files. Please label all tables, figures, and illustrations and include them within the manuscript at the approximate location where each such material should be placed. DO NOT upload tables, figures and illustrations as separate files. 

  • Exception: Syllabi, sample assignments and related course artifacts included in program model submissions follow all the conventions above except for their location in the manuscript. These should be included as appendices at the end of the manuscript.