Sedimentation History and Provenance Analysis of a Late Mesozoic Rifting Event at Tavan Har, East Gobi, Mongolia


  • Sarah Davidson



Undergraduate research, Education abroad, Undergraduate research abroad, Mongolia


This article presents an undergraduate student research project on rift processes and basin evolution through the Mesozoic sedimentary deposits in a study abroad program in Tavan Har, East Gobi, Mongolia.


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Author Biography

Sarah Davidson

Sarah C. Davidson grew up in Minnesota and graduated from Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin in 2004. While at Beloit, she completed geologic fieldwork in the East Gobi Desert of Mongolia through the Keck Geology Consortium. Sarah is currently living and working in Austin, Texas and hopes to begin graduate school in the fall of 2006, studying hydrogeology and water resources management.


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How to Cite

Davidson, S. (2005). Sedimentation History and Provenance Analysis of a Late Mesozoic Rifting Event at Tavan Har, East Gobi, Mongolia. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 12(1), 91–122.