Wildlife Displacement and Dispersal Area Reduction by Human Activities within Kimana Group Ranch Corridor Near Amboseli, Kenya
Undergraduate research, Undergraduate research abroad, Education abroad, KenyaAbstract
This article presents an undergraduate student research project on wildlife displacement and dispersal area reduction by human activities in Kenya through The School for Field Studies study abroad program.
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Bergh, S. 2003. An analysis of the displacement of wildlife by human activities in Kuku Group Ranch, Kenya. Unpublished Directed Research Project.
Center for Wildlife Management Studies. Nairobi, Kenya. 31pp.
Campbell, D.J., H. Gichohi, A. Mwangi and L. Chege. 2000. Land use conflict in Kajiado District, Kenya. Land Use Policy 17:337–348.
Estes, R. 1997. The Behavior Guide to African Mammals. Russel Friedman Books CC, South Africa. 611pp.
Fahrig, L. 1997. Relative effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on population extinction. Journal of Wildlife Management 61(3): 603-607.
Gichohi, H., C. Gakahu and E. Mwangi. 1996. Savannah Ecosystems. Pp. 273-298. In: T. R. McClanahan and T. P. Young, ed. East African Ecosystems and their Conservation, Oxford University Press, New York.
Gooch, M. 2003. A landscape level analysis of wildlife dispersal by human activities in Kuku Group Ranch, Kenya. Unpublished Directed Research Project. Center for Wildlife Management Studies. Nairobi, Kenya. 31pp.
Government of Kenya. 1994. Kajiado district development plan 1997-2001. Office of the vice-president and ministry of planning and national development. Government Printers. Nairobi, Kenya.
Hale, B. J. 2004. Displacement effects and dispersal area contraction by human activities on wildlife in Kuku Group Ranch, Kenya. Unpublished Directed Research Project. Center for Wildlife Management Studies. Nairobi, Kenya. 45pp.
Hardin, G. 1968. The Tragedy of the Commons. Science 162: 1243–1248.
Heady, H.F. and E.B. Heady. 1982. Range and Wildlife Management in the Tropics. Longman Inc., New York. 140pp.
Hill, C. M. 1998. Conflicting attitudes towards elephants around the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Environmental Conservation 25(3): 244–250.
Irigia, B.K. 1995. Kenya Wildlife Service Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Kimana Wildlife Sanctuary. Kenya Wildlife Service. Nairobi, Kenya. 29pp.
Kimani, K. and J. Pickard. 1998. Recent trends and implications of group ranch sub-division and fragmentation in Kajiado District, Kenya. The Geographic Journal 164(10): 202.
Mangat, R. 1994. The Elephants of Amboseli. Komba, Wildlife Clubs of Kenya. pp. 22–24.
Meffe, G.K. and C.R. Carroll. 1997. Principles of Conservation Biology. Second ed. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Sunderland, Massachusetts. 729pp.
Mwale, S. 2002. Changing relationships: The history and future of wildlife conservation in Kenya. Swara 22 (4): 11–17.
Newmark, W.D. 1993. The role and design of wildlife corridors with examples from Tanzania. Ambio 22 (8): 500–504.
Newmark, W.D. 1996. Insularization of Tanzanian parks and the local extinction of large mammals. Conservation Biology 10(6): 1549-1556.
Nicholson, C.F. 2001. Environmental Impacts of Livestock on the Developing World. Environment, Heldref Publications. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1076/2_43/71712 025/print.jhtml. 15pp.
Norton-Griffiths, M. 1996. Insight: Why Kenyan conservation is failing. Swara “unknown”
Oba, G, N.C. Stenseth and W.J. Lusigi. 2000. New perspectives on sustainable grazing management in arid zones of sub-Saharan Africa. BioScience 50(1): 35–51.
Okello, M.M. and J. W. Kiringe. 2004. Threats to biodiversity and their implications in protected and adjacent dispersal areas of Kenya. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 12(1): 55–69.
Primack, R. B. 2000. A primer of conservation biology. Sinauer Associations Inc. Publishers, Second Edition. 120pp.
Republic of Kenya, 1999. 1999 Population and Housing Census: Population Distribution by Administrative Areas and Urban Centers. Volume 1. Government Printer, Nairobi, Kenya. 158pp.
Seno, S. K. and W. W. Shaw. 2002. Land tenure policies, Maasai traditions, and wildlife conservation in Kenya. Society and Natural Resources 15:79–88.
Stuart, S. N., R. J. Adams and M. D. Jenkins, editors 1990. Biodiversity in Sub-Saharan Africa and its Islands. Occasional papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, No. 6: Chapter 26 pp 112–119.
Thouless, C. R. and J. Sakwa. 1995. Shocking elephants: fences and crop raiders in Laikipia District, Kenya. Biological Conservation 72: 99–107.
Western, D. 1982. Amboseli National Park: Enlisting landowners to conserve migratory wildlife. Ambio 11(5):168–174.
Western, D. 1989. The ecological role of elephants in Africa. Pachyderm 12:42-45.
Wishitemi, B.E.L. and M.M. Okello. 2003. Application of the Protected Landscape Model in Southern Kenya. Parks 13(2):12–21.
Young, T.P. and T.R. McClanahan. 1996. Island Biogeography and Species Extinctions, pp 292-293. In: McClanahan, T.R. and T.P. Young (eds.), The East-African Ecosystems and their Conservation. OUP. 452 pp.
Zar, J.H. 1999. Biostatistical Analysis. Fourth ed. Prentice Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 663 pp.
How to Cite
McNaught, M. (2007). Wildlife Displacement and Dispersal Area Reduction by Human Activities within Kimana Group Ranch Corridor Near Amboseli, Kenya. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 14(1), 131–170. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v14i1.207
Research Articles