Brian Ladd: The Ghosts of Berlin. Confronting German History in the Urban Landscape. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1997. 282 pp. $30.00


  • Sigi Leonhard



Book review


This article presents a book review about Brian Ladd’s book, The Ghosts of Berlin. He uncovers the manifested and the hidden history of this city as well as the complexities of its life through its actual buildings, streets, traffic, and monuments and through the blueprints of unrealized projects, such as Hitker’s grandiose plans for a thoroughly revised capital. The result is a fascinating book about the development of Berlin and its role in national and international politics from the Middle Ages to the present. 


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Author Biography

Sigi Leonhard

Sigi Leonhard is Associate Professor of German at Carleton College, where she also teaches in Cross-Cultural Studies and Media Studies She has been teaching German literature and language at Carleton College since 1982. Her areas of special interest include the Age of Goethe, Contemporary German Women Writers, German Film, and Cross-Cultural Studies. She has published articles on these subjects, as well as poetry in several anthologies.


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How to Cite

Leonhard, S. (2007). Brian Ladd: The Ghosts of Berlin. Confronting German History in the Urban Landscape. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1997. 282 pp. $30.00. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 15(1), 206–209.