France says ‘Non’: Elites, Masses, and the Defeat of the European Constitutional Treaty


  • Jason Nossiter



Undergraduate research, Undergraduate research abroad, Education abroad, France, mass-elite gap


This article presents an undergraduate student research project on the existence and nature of the mass-elite gap conducted in France through the Institut d’Etudes Politique, “Sciences Po,” Paris program. 


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Author Biography

Jason Nossiter

Jason Nossiter graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and now works as an analyst for a small investment bank in San Francisco. His research helps structure financing programs, raise seed capital and provide strategic advice for early-stage companies in the consumer products, food and beverage and media industries.


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How to Cite

Nossiter, J. (2008). France says ‘Non’: Elites, Masses, and the Defeat of the European Constitutional Treaty. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 16(1), 91–122.

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