When in Rome


  • Anne Ellen Geller




Study abroad, Faculty, Faculty Study abroad, Rome, St. Johns University, Education Abroad


This article presents an essay about the St. John’s University Summer Faculty Writing Institute, which sends groups of faculty on study abroad trips to Rome to study writing and the teaching of writing. The purpose of this article is not only to discuss the importance of creating a scholarly and reflective space for faculty to build a learning community far from their daily lives on a campus in the United States, whether it’s a research community, or, in this case, a writing community, but also how faculty study abroad programs may be one of the best investments in faculty development and global education an institution can make.


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Author Biography

Anne Ellen Geller

Anne Ellen Geller joined the faculty at St. John’s University in 2007. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in non-fiction, rhetoric and composition and writing studies. As Director of Writing Across the Curriculum in the Institute for Writing Studies, she works with faculty from all disciplines to support the teaching of writing at all levels of instruction in all departments. Her current research interests include co-authoring, the application of principles of dialogue in English studies and writing across the curriculum, and questions of how writing is integrated across the disciplines and how dialogue around writing can influence departmental, institutional and disciplinary beliefs about student and faculty scholarship. 


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How to Cite

Ellen Geller, A. (2011). When in Rome. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 20(1), 155–170. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v20i1.297