The Constructive Marginal of Moby-Dick: Ishmael and the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
Study abroad, Education abroad, Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity, Moby Dick, Cultural sensitivityAbstract
The following article presents a discussion about Melville’s book Moby-Dick and the ways in which conversation about the development model of intercultural sensitivity can be shifted. The author suggests that reading, discussing, and writing about Melville’s Moby-Dick would be helpful activities for those preparing to go abroad, and for those who cannot travel to experience different cultures. The novel and Ishmael’s characterization particularly, would, at least, expose them to the necessity of cultural sensitivity.
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Bennett, Milton J. “Towards Ethnorelativism: A Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity.” Education for the Intercultural Experience. Ed. R. Michael Paige. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1993. 21-71.
Brown, Merlin. The Long Encounter: Self and Experience in the Writings of Herman Melville. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1960.
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Cushner, Kenneth. “Intercultural Education from an International Perspective: Commonalities and Future Prospects.” International Perspectives on Intercultural Education. Ed. Kenneth Cushner. Mahweh, NJ: Erlbaum, 1998. 353-370.
Dumm, Thomas L. “Who is Ishmael?” Massachusetts Review 46.3 (Sept. 2005), 398-414.
Egan, Philp J. “Time and Ishmael’s Character in ‘The Town-Ho’s Story’ of Moby-Dick.” Studies in the Novel 14.4 (Winter 82), 337-347.
Fiedler, Leslie A. Love and Death in the American Novel. New York: Criterion, 1960.
Hammer, Mitchell R., Milton J. Bennett, and Richard Wiseman. “Measuring Intercultural Sensitivity: The Intercultural Development Inventory.” International Journal of International Relations. 27 (2003). 421-43.
Hirsch, David H. “Notes: Melville’s Ishmaelite.” AN&Q 5.8 (Apr. 67), 115-116.
Kalter, Susan. “A Student of Savage Thought: The Ecological Ethic in Moby-Dick and Its Grounding in Native American Ideologies.” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 48.1-2 (2002): 1-40.
Knutson, Susan Lyne. “Bowering and Melville on Benjamin’s Wharf ” A Look at Indigenous-English Communication Strategies.” Essays on Canadian Writing 38 (Summer 89), 67-80.
Marx, Leo. The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America. London: Free Association, 1991.
Matthiessen, F. O. Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman. London: Oxford University Press, 1941.
Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick, or The Whale. New York: Penguin, 2001.
Paige, R. Michael. “On the Nature of Intercultural Experiences and Intercultural Education.” Education for the Intercultural Experience. Ed. R. Michael Paige. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural, 1993. 1-19.
Paige, R. Michael. “Trainer Competencies for International and Intercultural Programs.” Education for the Intercultural Experience. Ed. R. Michael Paige. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1993. 167-99.
Paige, R. Michael, et al. “Assessing Intercultural Sensitivity: An Empirical Analysis of the Hammer and Bennett Intercultural Development Inventory.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 27 (2003), 467-486.
Paterson, Mark E. “Democratic Leadership and Narrative Authority in Moby Dick.” Studies in the Novel 16.3 (Fall 84), 288-303.
Schultz, Elizabeth. “Melville’s Environmental Vision in Moby-Dick.” Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 7.1: 2000, 97-113.
Wurzel, Jaime S. “Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education.” Toward Multiculturalism: A Reader in Multicultural Education. Ed. Jaime S. Wurzel. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1988. 1-13.
Zoellner, Robert. The Salt-Sea Mastodon: A Reading of Moby-Dick. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973.
How to Cite
Morgan, J. (2011). The Constructive Marginal of Moby-Dick: Ishmael and the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 21(1), 1–16.
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