Inclusive Excellence and Underrepresentation of Students of Color in Study Abroad


  • Karyn Sweeney



Study abroad, Education abroad, Diversity efforts, Inclusive education


Students of color continue to be underrepresented in terms of study abroad participation.  Inclusive excellence shifts diversity efforts from a focus on numbers to a comprehensive examination of systems and the ways in which the contributions of all community members are recognized, enhanced, and facilitated (Milem, Chang, & Antonio, 2005). The concept of inclusive excellence and the inclusive excellence scorecard are tools that can be utilized by international educators to examine the participation of students of color in study abroad within our own institutions, to evaluate efforts to resolve underrepresentation, and to inform best practices to support all students throughout the study abroad process. The inclusive excellence scorecard, modified for study abroad, examines access and equity, campus climate, diversity in the formal and informal curriculum, and learning and development. Until institutions have a clear understanding of the experiences, challenges, and opportunities on their own campuses and study abroad programs, they cannot effectively create change to better serve students of color and impact underrepresentation.


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Author Biography

Karyn Sweeney

Karyn Sweeney is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Denver in the Higher Education program. Her dissertation research is focused on the study abroad experiences of African American undergraduate students; she is also interested in the role of inclusive excellence in study abroad to support underrepresented students. Karyn has been involved professionally in the field of international education for more than 15 years, most recently at the University of Denver. She has co-led service programs to El Salvador and Nicaragua, was a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala, and lived/studied abroad in Italy, Chile and South Africa.


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How to Cite

Sweeney, K. (2013). Inclusive Excellence and Underrepresentation of Students of Color in Study Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 23(1), 1–21.



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