Instructor Influence on Student Intercultural Gains and Learning during Instructor-Led, Short-Term Study Abroad
Instructor influence, Intercultural gains, Instructor led, Study abroad, Education abroadAbstract
Short-term study abroad, often in the instructor-led model, is growing with 60% of students enrolling in programs of this length in 2012-13 (IIE, 2014). Higher education institutions’ mission statements often state that creating individuals who have an “international and global understanding” is a goal (Meacham & Gaff. 2006, p. 9). Study abroad is viewed as a premier vehicle to guide students to achieve this expanded worldview. Current education abroad research is not clear on whether intercultural sensitivity can be increased through a short-term, instructor-led program (instructor-led). Previous studies often use metrics focused solely on duration. This comparative focus has led to very little research on interventions that may enhance intercultural learning on instructor-led programs. This study examines 105 students on eight instructor-led programs and aims to demonstrate if intercultural learning can occur on an instructor-led program and what influence the instructor may have on this learning.
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