Alcohol Expectations of Short-Term, Faculty-Led Trip Leaders: A Survey of Current Practices
Study abroad, Alcohol, Faculty, Consumption, UniversitiesAbstract
Although a growing body of research examines alcohol consumption among American university students during study abroad, there is little to no research on alcohol-related policies and behavior by faculty leaders during study abroad. This research reports survey results from 66 U.S. colleges and universities on the current state of formal policies for faculty-led trip leaders. The quantitative findings reveal: 1) 93.9% of responding institutions allow trip leaders to consume alcohol during short-term, faculty-led study abroad trips; and 2) even those institutions that discourage faculty consumption with students allow such consumption in certain situations, including group dinners, winery and brewery tours, religious ceremonies, and receptions. The qualitative findings reveal three themes: 1) faculty should exhibit responsible consumption; 2) drinking with students is discouraged but allowed in certain situations; and 3) faculty leaders are never allowed to purchase alcohol for students. The manuscript concludes with a call for additional research on several topics.
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