Promoting Intercultural Sensitivity in Future Reading Specialists and School Librarians: The Impact of a Short-Term Study Abroad
study abroad, global citizenship, library science, reading education, education abrodAbstract
This mixed methods study reports on seven library science and reading education students’ experiences before, during, and after a small newly developed short-term interdisciplinary study abroad, and its effects on their intercultural sensitivity. The evidence collected in this study affirms our belief in the potential for experiential learning, such as personal interaction with people from other cultures, to prepare preservice teachers and librarians to interact with children, families, and colleagues from other cultures professionally.
Abstract in Spanish
Este estudio de métodos mixtos informa sobre las experiencias de siete estudiantes de bibliotecología y educación lectora antes, durante y después de un estudio interdisciplinario a corto plazo en el extranjero, y el efecto en sus sensibilidades interculturales. La evidencia recopilada en este estudio afirma nuestra creencia en el potencial del aprendizaje experiencial, como la interacción personal con personas de otras culturas, para preparar a los maestros y bibliotecarios futuros para interactuar profesionalmente con niños, familias y colegas de otras culturas.
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