An Overview of Issues and Research in Language Learning in a Study Abroad Setting
second language acquisition, study abroadAbstract
The purpose of this chapter is to review what is currently known about second language acquisition (SLA) in a study abroad context and to identify some of the issues that confront those who wish to explore this topic in greater depth.
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ACTFL. 1986. ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. New York: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Baron, B. & A. Smith (eds.) 1987. Higher Education in the European Community. Study Abroad in the European Community. Luxembourg.
Brecht, R., D. Davidson, & R. Ginsberg. 1990. The empirical study of proficiency gain in study abroad environments of American students of Russian. American contributions to the VII International Congress of MAPRIAL ed. by D. Davidson. Washington, D.C.: American Council of Teachers of Russian. 123-52.
Brecht, R.D. & D. Davidson. 1991. Language acquisition gains in study abroad: Program assessment and modification. Paper presented at the NFLC Conference on Language Testing, Washington D.C. March, 1991.
Brecht, R., D. Davidson, & R. Ginsberg. 1993. Predictors of foreign language gain during study abroad. Washington D.C.: National Foreign Language Center.
Brecht, R. & J. L. Robinson. 1993. Qualitative analysis of second language acquisition in study abroad: The ACTR/NFLC Project. Washington D.C.: National Foreign Language Center.
Brecht, R., D. Davidson & R. Ginsberg. 1995. Predicting and Measuring Language Gains in Study Abroad Settings. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context. ed. by B.F. Freed, 37-66. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Brecht, R.D. & J. L. Robinson. 1995. On the value of formal instruction in study abroad: Student reactions in context. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context. ed. by B.F. Freed, 317-334. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Bryam, M. 1988. A Year in France. Durham. University of Durham.
Carlson, J., B. Burn, J. Ussem & D. Yachimowicz. 1990. Study abroad: The Experience of American Undergraduates in Western Europe and the United States. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Carroll, J.B. 1967. Foreign language proficiency levels attained by language majors near graduation from college. Foreign Language Annals 1: 131-151.
Coleman, J. 1996. A comparative survey of the proficiency and progress of language learners in British universities. In Der C-Test. Theoretische Grundlagen und prakische Anwendungen. ed. by R. Grotjahn. Bochum, Brockmeyer volume 3: 367-399.
Coleman, J. 1997a. Supporting language students during their year abroad (with Bill Brierley), The Linguist, vol.36, .1:2-5.
Coleman, J. 1997b. Residence abroad within language study. Language Teaching, 30, 1:1-20.
Coleman, J. Language Learning and Study Abroad: The European perspective. This Volume
Coleman, J. & A. Rouxeville (eds.) 1993. Integrating new approaches. Association for French Studies in association with the Center for Information on Language Teaching and Research. Bedfordbury, London.
Coleman, J., R. Grotjahn, C. Klein-Braley & U. Raatz. 1994. The European language proficiency survey: a comparative investigation of foreign language learners in schools and universities in several European countries. Language Testing Update.
Clement, L. R. 1978. Motivational characteristics of francophones learning English. Quebec: Centre International de Recherche sur le Bilinguisme.
Dalichow, F. & U. Teicher. 1986. Higher Education in the European Community. Recognition of study abroad in the European Community. Luxembourg.
DeKeyser, R. 1986. From learning to acquisition? Foreign language development in a U. S. classroom and during a semester abroad. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Stanford U.
DeKeyser, R. 1991. Foreign language development during a semester abroad. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom ed. by B. Freed, 104-119. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath & Co.
Desruisseaux, P. 1996. A record number of foreign students enrolled in U.S. last year. Chronicle of Higher Education. December 6, 1996. A64.
Desruisseaux, P. 1997.The number of Americans studying abroad increases by 5.7%. Chronicle of Higher Education. Dec. 12, 1997. A44-46.
Dyson, P. 1988. The year abroad. Report for the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges. Oxford University Language Teaching Centre.
Foltz, D. 1991. A study of the effectiveness of studying Spanish overseas. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Freed, B. 1990. Language learning in a study abroad context: The effects of interactive and non-interactive out-of-class contact on grammatical achievement and oral proficiency. Linguistics, Language Teaching and Language Acquisition: The Interdependence of Theory, Practice and Research ed. by J. Atlatis, 459-477. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics. Washington D. C.: Georgetown University Press.
Freed, B. (ed.) 1991. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co.
Freed, B. 1994. Assessing the linguistic impact of study abroad: What we currently know – what we need to learn. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 4:4, 151-166.
Freed, B. 1995a. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Freed, B. 1995b. What makes us think that students who study abroad become fluent? Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed, 123-148. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Freed, B., N. Lazar & S. So. 1998. Fluency in writing: Are there differences between students who have studied abroad and those who have not? Presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association. December, 1998. San Francisco, CA.
Freed, B., S. So & N. Lazar. Perceptions of oral and written fluency in second language use. To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics. March, 1999. Stamford, Ct.
Gardner, R. Glicksman & Smyth. 1978. Attitudes and behaviour in second language acquisition: a social psychological interpretation. Canadian Psychological Review 19: 173-186.
Ginsberg, R., R. Robin & P. Wheeling. 1992. Listening comprehension before and after study abroad. National Foreign Language Center Working Papers. Washington D.C.: National Foreign Language Center.
Ginsberg, R. 1992. Language gains during study abroad: An analysis of the ACTR data. National Foreign Language Center Working Papers. Washington D.C.: National Foreign Language Center.
Goodwin, C. & M. Nacht. 1988. Abroad and beyond: Patterns in American overseas expansion. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press
Guntermann, G. 1992a. An analysis of interlanguage development over time: Part I, por and para. Hispania 75:177-187.
Guntermann, G. 1992b. An analysis of interlanguage development Over Time: Part II, ser and estar. Hispania 75:1294-1303.
Guntermann, G. 1995. The Peace Corps Experience: Language Learning in Training and in the Field. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 149-169. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Hanna G, A.H. Smith, L.D. McLean, & H.H. Stern. 1980. Contact and communication: An evaluation of bilingual student exchange programs. Toronto, Canada: OISE Press.
Hashimoto, H. 1994, Language acquisition of an exchange student within the homestay environment. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 4(4):209-224.
Hart, D.S., S. Lapkin & M. Swain. 1994. Impact of a six-month bilingual exchange program: Attitudes and achievement. Report to the Department of the Secretary of State. Toronto: OISE Modern Language Centre.
Huebner, T. 1991. Effects of overseas study: A preliminary report on an intensive beginning-level course in Japanese. Paper presented at the annual PACIE Conference, Pittsburgh PA.
Huebner, T. 1995. The Effects of Overseas Language Programs: Report on a Case Study of an Intensive Japanese Course. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 171-193. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Huebner, T. 1998. Methodological considerations in data collection for language learning in a study abroad context. This Volume
Inkster, G. 1993. Integrating the year abroad. Integrating new approaches ed. by J. Coleman & A.Rouxeville. 133-145. Association for French Studies in association with the Center for Information on Language Teaching and Research. Bedfordbury, London.
Johnson, S.J. & R.J. Edelstein. 1993. Beyond borders: Profiles in international education. Washington, D.C. Association of American Colleges and American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business
Kaplan, M. 1989. French in the community: A survey of language use abroad. The French Review 63:2 (290-301).
Kline, R. 1993.The social practice of literacy in a program of study abroad. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University.
Kline, R. Forthcoming. The acquisition of second language literacy in a study abroad context. This Volume.
Klein, W. 1986. Second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Koester, J. 1985. A profile of the U. S. student abroad. New York: Council on International Exchange. 22.
Lafford, B. 1995. Getting Into, Through and Out of a Situation: A Comparison of Communicative Strategies Used by Students Studying Spanish Abroad and ‘At Home.’ Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B. F. Freed, 97-121. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Lapkin, S. D. Hart & M. Swain. 1995. A Canadian Interprovincial Exchange: Evaluating the Linguistic Impact of a Three-Month Stay in Quebec. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B. F. Freed, 67-94. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Laubscher, M.R. 1994. Encounters with difference: Student perceptions of the role of out-of-class experiences in education abroad. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Liskin-Gasparro, J. 1984. Comparison of the oral proficiency of students of Spanish in a study abroad program and those in regular academic programs. As quoted in Liskin-Gasparro and Beyer, 1987.
Magnan, S. S. 1986. Assessing speaking proficiency in the undergraduate curriculum: Data from French. Foreign Language Annals 19.5: 429-38.
Marriott H.E. 1993a. Changing trends in Australia-Japan and Japan- Australia student exchanges and study abroad programs. Paper presented at Celebrate Australia Educational Exchange Programs Forum, Tokyo, November 1993.
Marriott H.E. 1993b. Acquiring sociolinguistic competence: Australian secondary students in Japan. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 4:4, 167-192.
Marriott, H.E. 1995. The Acquisition of Politeness Patterns by Exchange Students in Japan. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 197-224. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Marriott. H. and S. Enomoto. 1995. Secondary exchanges with Japan: exploring students’ experiences and gains. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics Series S, 12, 64-82.
Mauranen, A. & R. Markkanen. 1994. Students Abroad: Aspects of exchange students’ language. Finlance XIII
Mauranen, A. 1994. Two discourse worlds: Study genres in Britain and Finland. Finlance XIII: 1-40.
Meara, P. 1994. The year abroad and it effects. Language Learning Journal, 10, 32-38.
Meara, P. 1998. The year abroad: an opportunity or a nightmare? Manuscript.
Miller, L. & R. Ginsberg. 1995. Folklinguistic Theories of Language Learning. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 293-315. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Milleret, M. 1990. Assessing the gain in oral proficiency from summer foreign study. Paper Presented at the Summer Meeting of AATSP.
Milton, J and P. Meara, 1995. How periods abroad affect vocabulary growth in a foreign language. Review of Applied Linguistics, 107-108: 17-34.
Möhle, D. 1984. A comparison of the second language speech of different native speakers. Second language productions ed. by H. Dechert et al. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. 26-49.
Möhle, D. & M. Raupach. 1983. Planen in der Fremdsprach. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
O’Connor, N. 1988. Oral proficiency testing of junior year abroad: Implications for the Undergraduate curriculum. Paper presented at the 1988 Annual Meeting of the MLA
Pellegrino. V. 1997a. Social and psychological factors affecting spontaneous second language use during study abroad: A qualitative study. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Bryn Mawr College.
Pellegrino. V. 1997b. speaking abroad: How interpersonal relations affect American students’ use of Russian beyond the classroom. MLA Convention, Toronto, Canada. December 29, 1997.
Pellegrino. V. 1998. Student perspectives on language learning in a study abroad context. This Volume.
Polanyi, 1995. Language Learning and Living Abroad. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 271-291. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Raffaldini , T. 1987. Attrition of communicative ability among former year abroad students of French. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University.
Raupach, M. 1984. Formulae in second language speech production. Second language productions. H. Dechert et al., 114-37. Tubingen: Gunter Nair.
Raupach, M. 1987. Procedural learning in advanced learners of a foreign language. Duisburg; Universitat Gesamthochschule Duisburg. (L.A.U.D. Papers B 167).
Regan, V. 1998. Sociolinguistics and language learning in a study abroad context. This Volume.
Regan, V. 1995. The Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Native Speech Norms: Effects of a Year Abroad on Second Language Learners of French. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 245-267. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Ryan, J. M. & Lafford, B. 1992. Acquisition of lexical meaning in a study abroad environment: ser and estar and the Grenada experience. Hispania 75: 714-722.
Siegel, M. 1995. Individual Differences and Study Abroad: Women Learning Japanese in Japan. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 225-243. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Teichler, U. & W. Steube 1991. The logics of study abroad programmes and their impacts. Higher Education. 21, 325-349.
VanPatten, B. 1987. Classroom learners’ acquisition of ser and estar: Accounting for developmental patterns. Foreign language learning: A research perspective ed. by B. VanPatten, T.R. Dvorak and J.F. Lee, 19-32. Cambridge: Newbury House.
Veguez, R. 1984. The oral proficiency interview and the junior year abroad: Some unexpected results. Paper presented at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language. NYC April 1984.
Wilkinson, S.1995. Foreign language conversation and the study abroad transition: A case study. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University.
Wilkinson, S. 1998. Study abroad from the participants’ perspective: A challenge to common beliefs. Foreign Language Annals 31 (1) 23-39.
Wilkinson, S. 1998. The nature of immersion during study abroad: Student perspectives. This Volume.
Willis, F., G. Doble, U. Sankarayya. & A. Smithers. 1977. Residence abroad and the student of modern languages. A preliminary study. Bradford: Modern Language Centre. U of Bradford.
Ylönen S. 1994. Die Bedeutung von Textsortenwissen fur die interkulturelle Kommunikation – Kommunikative Unterschiede im Biologiestudium an den Partneruniversitaten Jyvaskyla und Bonn. Finlance XIII: 89-113.
Baron, B. & A. Smith (eds.) 1987. Higher Education in the European Community. Study Abroad in the European Community. Luxembourg.
Brecht, R., D. Davidson, & R. Ginsberg. 1990. The empirical study of proficiency gain in study abroad environments of American students of Russian. American contributions to the VII International Congress of MAPRIAL ed. by D. Davidson. Washington, D.C.: American Council of Teachers of Russian. 123-52.
Brecht, R.D. & D. Davidson. 1991. Language acquisition gains in study abroad: Program assessment and modification. Paper presented at the NFLC Conference on Language Testing, Washington D.C. March, 1991.
Brecht, R., D. Davidson, & R. Ginsberg. 1993. Predictors of foreign language gain during study abroad. Washington D.C.: National Foreign Language Center.
Brecht, R. & J. L. Robinson. 1993. Qualitative analysis of second language acquisition in study abroad: The ACTR/NFLC Project. Washington D.C.: National Foreign Language Center.
Brecht, R., D. Davidson & R. Ginsberg. 1995. Predicting and Measuring Language Gains in Study Abroad Settings. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context. ed. by B.F. Freed, 37-66. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Brecht, R.D. & J. L. Robinson. 1995. On the value of formal instruction in study abroad: Student reactions in context. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context. ed. by B.F. Freed, 317-334. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Bryam, M. 1988. A Year in France. Durham. University of Durham.
Carlson, J., B. Burn, J. Ussem & D. Yachimowicz. 1990. Study abroad: The Experience of American Undergraduates in Western Europe and the United States. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Carroll, J.B. 1967. Foreign language proficiency levels attained by language majors near graduation from college. Foreign Language Annals 1: 131-151.
Coleman, J. 1996. A comparative survey of the proficiency and progress of language learners in British universities. In Der C-Test. Theoretische Grundlagen und prakische Anwendungen. ed. by R. Grotjahn. Bochum, Brockmeyer volume 3: 367-399.
Coleman, J. 1997a. Supporting language students during their year abroad (with Bill Brierley), The Linguist, vol.36, .1:2-5.
Coleman, J. 1997b. Residence abroad within language study. Language Teaching, 30, 1:1-20.
Coleman, J. Language Learning and Study Abroad: The European perspective. This Volume
Coleman, J. & A. Rouxeville (eds.) 1993. Integrating new approaches. Association for French Studies in association with the Center for Information on Language Teaching and Research. Bedfordbury, London.
Coleman, J., R. Grotjahn, C. Klein-Braley & U. Raatz. 1994. The European language proficiency survey: a comparative investigation of foreign language learners in schools and universities in several European countries. Language Testing Update.
Clement, L. R. 1978. Motivational characteristics of francophones learning English. Quebec: Centre International de Recherche sur le Bilinguisme.
Dalichow, F. & U. Teicher. 1986. Higher Education in the European Community. Recognition of study abroad in the European Community. Luxembourg.
DeKeyser, R. 1986. From learning to acquisition? Foreign language development in a U. S. classroom and during a semester abroad. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Stanford U.
DeKeyser, R. 1991. Foreign language development during a semester abroad. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom ed. by B. Freed, 104-119. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath & Co.
Desruisseaux, P. 1996. A record number of foreign students enrolled in U.S. last year. Chronicle of Higher Education. December 6, 1996. A64.
Desruisseaux, P. 1997.The number of Americans studying abroad increases by 5.7%. Chronicle of Higher Education. Dec. 12, 1997. A44-46.
Dyson, P. 1988. The year abroad. Report for the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges. Oxford University Language Teaching Centre.
Foltz, D. 1991. A study of the effectiveness of studying Spanish overseas. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Freed, B. 1990. Language learning in a study abroad context: The effects of interactive and non-interactive out-of-class contact on grammatical achievement and oral proficiency. Linguistics, Language Teaching and Language Acquisition: The Interdependence of Theory, Practice and Research ed. by J. Atlatis, 459-477. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics. Washington D. C.: Georgetown University Press.
Freed, B. (ed.) 1991. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co.
Freed, B. 1994. Assessing the linguistic impact of study abroad: What we currently know – what we need to learn. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 4:4, 151-166.
Freed, B. 1995a. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Freed, B. 1995b. What makes us think that students who study abroad become fluent? Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed, 123-148. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Freed, B., N. Lazar & S. So. 1998. Fluency in writing: Are there differences between students who have studied abroad and those who have not? Presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association. December, 1998. San Francisco, CA.
Freed, B., S. So & N. Lazar. Perceptions of oral and written fluency in second language use. To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics. March, 1999. Stamford, Ct.
Gardner, R. Glicksman & Smyth. 1978. Attitudes and behaviour in second language acquisition: a social psychological interpretation. Canadian Psychological Review 19: 173-186.
Ginsberg, R., R. Robin & P. Wheeling. 1992. Listening comprehension before and after study abroad. National Foreign Language Center Working Papers. Washington D.C.: National Foreign Language Center.
Ginsberg, R. 1992. Language gains during study abroad: An analysis of the ACTR data. National Foreign Language Center Working Papers. Washington D.C.: National Foreign Language Center.
Goodwin, C. & M. Nacht. 1988. Abroad and beyond: Patterns in American overseas expansion. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press
Guntermann, G. 1992a. An analysis of interlanguage development over time: Part I, por and para. Hispania 75:177-187.
Guntermann, G. 1992b. An analysis of interlanguage development Over Time: Part II, ser and estar. Hispania 75:1294-1303.
Guntermann, G. 1995. The Peace Corps Experience: Language Learning in Training and in the Field. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 149-169. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Hanna G, A.H. Smith, L.D. McLean, & H.H. Stern. 1980. Contact and communication: An evaluation of bilingual student exchange programs. Toronto, Canada: OISE Press.
Hashimoto, H. 1994, Language acquisition of an exchange student within the homestay environment. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 4(4):209-224.
Hart, D.S., S. Lapkin & M. Swain. 1994. Impact of a six-month bilingual exchange program: Attitudes and achievement. Report to the Department of the Secretary of State. Toronto: OISE Modern Language Centre.
Huebner, T. 1991. Effects of overseas study: A preliminary report on an intensive beginning-level course in Japanese. Paper presented at the annual PACIE Conference, Pittsburgh PA.
Huebner, T. 1995. The Effects of Overseas Language Programs: Report on a Case Study of an Intensive Japanese Course. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 171-193. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Huebner, T. 1998. Methodological considerations in data collection for language learning in a study abroad context. This Volume
Inkster, G. 1993. Integrating the year abroad. Integrating new approaches ed. by J. Coleman & A.Rouxeville. 133-145. Association for French Studies in association with the Center for Information on Language Teaching and Research. Bedfordbury, London.
Johnson, S.J. & R.J. Edelstein. 1993. Beyond borders: Profiles in international education. Washington, D.C. Association of American Colleges and American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business
Kaplan, M. 1989. French in the community: A survey of language use abroad. The French Review 63:2 (290-301).
Kline, R. 1993.The social practice of literacy in a program of study abroad. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University.
Kline, R. Forthcoming. The acquisition of second language literacy in a study abroad context. This Volume.
Klein, W. 1986. Second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Koester, J. 1985. A profile of the U. S. student abroad. New York: Council on International Exchange. 22.
Lafford, B. 1995. Getting Into, Through and Out of a Situation: A Comparison of Communicative Strategies Used by Students Studying Spanish Abroad and ‘At Home.’ Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B. F. Freed, 97-121. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Lapkin, S. D. Hart & M. Swain. 1995. A Canadian Interprovincial Exchange: Evaluating the Linguistic Impact of a Three-Month Stay in Quebec. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B. F. Freed, 67-94. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Laubscher, M.R. 1994. Encounters with difference: Student perceptions of the role of out-of-class experiences in education abroad. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Liskin-Gasparro, J. 1984. Comparison of the oral proficiency of students of Spanish in a study abroad program and those in regular academic programs. As quoted in Liskin-Gasparro and Beyer, 1987.
Magnan, S. S. 1986. Assessing speaking proficiency in the undergraduate curriculum: Data from French. Foreign Language Annals 19.5: 429-38.
Marriott H.E. 1993a. Changing trends in Australia-Japan and Japan- Australia student exchanges and study abroad programs. Paper presented at Celebrate Australia Educational Exchange Programs Forum, Tokyo, November 1993.
Marriott H.E. 1993b. Acquiring sociolinguistic competence: Australian secondary students in Japan. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 4:4, 167-192.
Marriott, H.E. 1995. The Acquisition of Politeness Patterns by Exchange Students in Japan. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 197-224. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Marriott. H. and S. Enomoto. 1995. Secondary exchanges with Japan: exploring students’ experiences and gains. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics Series S, 12, 64-82.
Mauranen, A. & R. Markkanen. 1994. Students Abroad: Aspects of exchange students’ language. Finlance XIII
Mauranen, A. 1994. Two discourse worlds: Study genres in Britain and Finland. Finlance XIII: 1-40.
Meara, P. 1994. The year abroad and it effects. Language Learning Journal, 10, 32-38.
Meara, P. 1998. The year abroad: an opportunity or a nightmare? Manuscript.
Miller, L. & R. Ginsberg. 1995. Folklinguistic Theories of Language Learning. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 293-315. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Milleret, M. 1990. Assessing the gain in oral proficiency from summer foreign study. Paper Presented at the Summer Meeting of AATSP.
Milton, J and P. Meara, 1995. How periods abroad affect vocabulary growth in a foreign language. Review of Applied Linguistics, 107-108: 17-34.
Möhle, D. 1984. A comparison of the second language speech of different native speakers. Second language productions ed. by H. Dechert et al. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. 26-49.
Möhle, D. & M. Raupach. 1983. Planen in der Fremdsprach. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
O’Connor, N. 1988. Oral proficiency testing of junior year abroad: Implications for the Undergraduate curriculum. Paper presented at the 1988 Annual Meeting of the MLA
Pellegrino. V. 1997a. Social and psychological factors affecting spontaneous second language use during study abroad: A qualitative study. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Bryn Mawr College.
Pellegrino. V. 1997b. speaking abroad: How interpersonal relations affect American students’ use of Russian beyond the classroom. MLA Convention, Toronto, Canada. December 29, 1997.
Pellegrino. V. 1998. Student perspectives on language learning in a study abroad context. This Volume.
Polanyi, 1995. Language Learning and Living Abroad. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 271-291. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Raffaldini , T. 1987. Attrition of communicative ability among former year abroad students of French. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University.
Raupach, M. 1984. Formulae in second language speech production. Second language productions. H. Dechert et al., 114-37. Tubingen: Gunter Nair.
Raupach, M. 1987. Procedural learning in advanced learners of a foreign language. Duisburg; Universitat Gesamthochschule Duisburg. (L.A.U.D. Papers B 167).
Regan, V. 1998. Sociolinguistics and language learning in a study abroad context. This Volume.
Regan, V. 1995. The Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Native Speech Norms: Effects of a Year Abroad on Second Language Learners of French. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 245-267. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Ryan, J. M. & Lafford, B. 1992. Acquisition of lexical meaning in a study abroad environment: ser and estar and the Grenada experience. Hispania 75: 714-722.
Siegel, M. 1995. Individual Differences and Study Abroad: Women Learning Japanese in Japan. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. by B.F. Freed, 225-243. Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Teichler, U. & W. Steube 1991. The logics of study abroad programmes and their impacts. Higher Education. 21, 325-349.
VanPatten, B. 1987. Classroom learners’ acquisition of ser and estar: Accounting for developmental patterns. Foreign language learning: A research perspective ed. by B. VanPatten, T.R. Dvorak and J.F. Lee, 19-32. Cambridge: Newbury House.
Veguez, R. 1984. The oral proficiency interview and the junior year abroad: Some unexpected results. Paper presented at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language. NYC April 1984.
Wilkinson, S.1995. Foreign language conversation and the study abroad transition: A case study. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University.
Wilkinson, S. 1998. Study abroad from the participants’ perspective: A challenge to common beliefs. Foreign Language Annals 31 (1) 23-39.
Wilkinson, S. 1998. The nature of immersion during study abroad: Student perspectives. This Volume.
Willis, F., G. Doble, U. Sankarayya. & A. Smithers. 1977. Residence abroad and the student of modern languages. A preliminary study. Bradford: Modern Language Centre. U of Bradford.
Ylönen S. 1994. Die Bedeutung von Textsortenwissen fur die interkulturelle Kommunikation – Kommunikative Unterschiede im Biologiestudium an den Partneruniversitaten Jyvaskyla und Bonn. Finlance XIII: 89-113.
How to Cite
Freed, B. F. . (1998). An Overview of Issues and Research in Language Learning in a Study Abroad Setting. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 4(1), 31–60.
Research Articles