Sociolinguistics and Language Learning in a Study Abroad Context
sociolinguistic competence, language acquisition, study abroadAbstract
This article will focus on the acquisition of sociolinguistic competence by second language learners during a period of study abroad. Various aspects of sociolinguistic competence will be discussed and some of the principal factors which affect it will be described.
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Adamson, H.D. 1988. Variation Theory and Second Language Acquisition. Georgetown University Press.
Adamson, H.D. and V. Regan. 1991. The Acquisition of community speech norms by Asian immigrants learning English as a second language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 13:1-22.
Allison M. and Hintze, M.-A. 1995. Preparing for the year abroad: bain de langue or bain de vie? “The Year Abroad”: Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation. Current Research and Development ed. by G. Parker, and A. Rouxville. AFLS/CILT.
Archer, M. S. 1988. Culture and agency, the place of culture in social theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bayley, R. 1994. Interlanguage variation and the quantitative paradigm: Past-tense marking in Chinese-English. 157-181. Research methodology in second-language acquisition ed. by E. Tarone, S. Gass, and A. Cohen. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bayley, R. and D. Preston (eds.) 1996. Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Variation. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
Bialystok, E. 1990. Communication strategies: A psychological analysis of second-language use. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Brecht, R., D. Davidson, and R. Ginsberg. 1990. The empirical study of proficiency gain in study abroad environments of American students of Russian. American contributions to the 7th International Congress of MAPRIAL ed. by D. Davidson, 123-52. Washington, D.C. March 1991.
Clement, L.R. 1978. Motivational Characteristics of Francophones Learning English. Quebec: Centre International de Recherche sur le Bilinguisme.
Coleman J. A. 1995. The Current State of Knowledge Concerning Student Residence Abroad. “The Year Abroad”: Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation eds. G. Parker and A. Rouxeville. London:AFLS/Cilt.
Coleman J. A. and A. Rouxeville (eds.). 1993. Integrating New Approaches: the Teaching of French in Higher Education. Afls and Cilt.
Day, R. 1986. Talking to Learn. Conversation in Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.
De Bot K., R. Ginsberg and C. Kramsch (eds.). 1991. Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Dewaele, J. M. 1992. L’omission du “ne” dans deux styles oraux d’interlangue Francaise. Interface. Journal of Applied Linguistics 7.1. 3-17.
De Keyser, R. 1986. From Learning to Acquisition in a U.S. Classroom and During a Semester Abroad. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University.
DeKeyser, R. 1991. Foreign Language Development During a Semester Abroad. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom ed. B. F. Freed. D.C. Heath and Company.
Dittmar, N., B.Spolsky, and J.Walters. 1998. Language and identity in immigrant language acquisition and use: A framework for integrating sociological, psychological and linguistic data. Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context: Crosslinguistic Perspectives ed. V. Regan. University College Dublin Press.
Doughty, C. 1991. Second Language instruction does make a difference: evidence from an empirical study on SL relativization. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 13:431-69.
Ferguson, C. 1991. Comments on a Conference. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom ed. B.F. Freed. D. C. Heath and Company.
Fox, R. G., ed. 1991. Recapturing anthropology: Working in the present. School of American Research advanced seminar series. Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press: Distributed by the University of Washington Press.
Freed, B. 1990. Language learning in a study abroad context: The effects of interactive and non-interactive out of class contact on grammatical achievement and oral proficiency. Linguistics, language teaching and language
acquisition: The interdependence of theory, practice and research ed. J. Alatis. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1990.
Freed, B.(ed) 1991. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom. D.C. Heath and Company.
Freed, B. 1993. Assessing the linguistic impact of study abroad: What we currently know — what we need to learn. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication Vol 4. No 4.
Freed B.(ed). 1995. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Gardner, R.C. 1979. Social psychological aspects of second language acquisition. Language and Social Psychology eds. H. Giles and R. T. St Clair, 193-220. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Gass, S. and Varonis, E. M. 1994. Input, interaction and second language production. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 16:283-302.
Ginsberg, R. 1992. Language gains during study abroad: An analysis of the ACTR data. National Foreign Language Center Working Papers. Washington DC.: National Foreign Language Center.
Guntermann, G. 1995. The Peace Corps Experience: Language Learning in Training and in the Field. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John
Hannerz, U. 1992. Cultural complexity: Studies in the social organization of meaning. New York: Columbia University Press.
Hashimoto, H. 1993. Language acquisition of an exchange student within the homestay environment. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 4(4):209-224.
Huebner, T. 1995. The Effects of Overseas Language Programs: Report on a Case Study of an Intensive Japanese Course. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins, 171-193.
Jordan, S. and Barro, A. 1995. The Effect of Ethnographic training on the Year Abroad. “The Year Abroad” Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation. Current Research and Development eds. G. Parker and A. Rouxeville.
Afls and Cilt.
Kasper, G. 1996. The development of pragmatic competence. Eurosla 6. A selection of papers. ed. by Kellerman, E. B.Weltens, and T. Bongaerts. Amsterdam:UV Uitgeverij, 103-120.
Kihlstedt, M. 1994. L’emploi des temps du passé chez quelques apprenants avancés et l’effet éventuel d’un séjour en France. Actes du Douziéne Congrés des Rohanistes Scandinaves ed. G. Boysen. Aalborg, 11- 15/8/1993. Aalborg University Press. 257-267.
Kramsch, C. 1991. Culture in Language Learning : A View from the United States. Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspective eds. De Bot, K. R. Ginsberg, and C. Kramsch. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Kramsch, C. and S. McConnell-Ginet (eds.). 1992. Text and Context: Crossdisciplinary Perspectives on Language Study. Lexington, Mass.: D.C.Heath and Company.
Lafford, B. 1995. Getting Into, Through and Out of a Survival Situation: A Comparison of Communicative Strategies Used by Students Studying Spanish Abroad and “At Home.” Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins
Lapkin, S. D. Hart and M. Swain.1995. A Canadian Interprovincial Exchange: Evaluating the Linguistic Impact of a Three-Month Stay in Quebec. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins.
Laudet, C. 1993. Oral performance of Erasmus students: An assessment. Teanga 13, pp. 13-28.
Marriott, H. 1995. The Acquisition of Politeness Patterns by exchange Students in Japan. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins.
McLaughlin, B. 1987. Theories of Second Language Learning. Edward Arnold
Möhle, D. 1984. A Comparison of the second language speech of different native speakers. Second language productions eds. H.W. Dechert et al., 26-49. Tubingen: Gunter Narr.
Murphy-Lejeune, E. 1995. The Student Strangers: Aspects of Cross-Cultural Adaptation in the Case of International Students. Some Preliminary Findings. “The Year Abroad” Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation. Current Research and Development eds. G. Parker and A. Rouxeville. London: AFLS/CILT.
Nattinger, J. R. and J.S. De Carrico 1992. Lexical phrases and language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parker, G. and A. Rouxeville (eds.). 1995. “The Year Abroad”: Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation. AFLS/CILT.
Pica, T. 1992. The textual outcomes of native speaker/non-native speaker negotiation: what do they reveal about second language learning. Text and Context: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Language Study eds. Kramsch and McConnell-Ginet. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company.
Raupach, M. 1984. Formulae in second language speech production. Second Language production eds. H. Dechert, D. Möhle, M. Raupach, 114-137. Tubingen: Gunter Narr.
Regan, V. 1995.The Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Native Speech Norms: Effects of a Year Abroad on Second Language Learners of French. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins.
Regan, V. 1996. Variation in French Interlanguage: A Longitudinal Study of Sociolinguistic Competence. Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Variation eds. Bayley, R. and D. Preston. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Regan, V. 1998. Contemporary approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context: a crosslinguistic approach. University College Dublin Press.
Roberts, J. and W. Labov, 1995. Learning to talk Philadelphian: acquisition of short a by preschool children. Language Variation and Change 7(1): 101-112.
Roberts, J. Schmidt, R. 1983. Interaction, acculturation, and the acquisition of communicative competence: a case study of an adult. Sociolinguistic and language acquisition eds. N. Wolfson and E. Judd, 137-174. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.
Siegal, M. 1995. Individual Differences and Study Abroad: Women Learning Japanese in Japan. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins.
Tarone, Elaine; Gass, Susan, Cohen, Andres. 1994. Research Methodology in Second-Language Acquisition. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Towell, R. 1995. “Development of Fluency During the Year Abroad” Paper presented to the annual conference of the Society for French Studies, University of Hull April 1995.
Trudgill, P. 1974. The social differentiation of English in Norwich. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Walsh, R. 1994. The Year Abroad-A Linguistic Challenge. Teanga 14. pp48-57.
Young, R. 1991. Variation in interlanguage morphology. New York: Peter Lang.
Adamson, H.D. and V. Regan. 1991. The Acquisition of community speech norms by Asian immigrants learning English as a second language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 13:1-22.
Allison M. and Hintze, M.-A. 1995. Preparing for the year abroad: bain de langue or bain de vie? “The Year Abroad”: Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation. Current Research and Development ed. by G. Parker, and A. Rouxville. AFLS/CILT.
Archer, M. S. 1988. Culture and agency, the place of culture in social theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bayley, R. 1994. Interlanguage variation and the quantitative paradigm: Past-tense marking in Chinese-English. 157-181. Research methodology in second-language acquisition ed. by E. Tarone, S. Gass, and A. Cohen. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bayley, R. and D. Preston (eds.) 1996. Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Variation. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
Bialystok, E. 1990. Communication strategies: A psychological analysis of second-language use. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Brecht, R., D. Davidson, and R. Ginsberg. 1990. The empirical study of proficiency gain in study abroad environments of American students of Russian. American contributions to the 7th International Congress of MAPRIAL ed. by D. Davidson, 123-52. Washington, D.C. March 1991.
Clement, L.R. 1978. Motivational Characteristics of Francophones Learning English. Quebec: Centre International de Recherche sur le Bilinguisme.
Coleman J. A. 1995. The Current State of Knowledge Concerning Student Residence Abroad. “The Year Abroad”: Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation eds. G. Parker and A. Rouxeville. London:AFLS/Cilt.
Coleman J. A. and A. Rouxeville (eds.). 1993. Integrating New Approaches: the Teaching of French in Higher Education. Afls and Cilt.
Day, R. 1986. Talking to Learn. Conversation in Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.
De Bot K., R. Ginsberg and C. Kramsch (eds.). 1991. Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Dewaele, J. M. 1992. L’omission du “ne” dans deux styles oraux d’interlangue Francaise. Interface. Journal of Applied Linguistics 7.1. 3-17.
De Keyser, R. 1986. From Learning to Acquisition in a U.S. Classroom and During a Semester Abroad. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University.
DeKeyser, R. 1991. Foreign Language Development During a Semester Abroad. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom ed. B. F. Freed. D.C. Heath and Company.
Dittmar, N., B.Spolsky, and J.Walters. 1998. Language and identity in immigrant language acquisition and use: A framework for integrating sociological, psychological and linguistic data. Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context: Crosslinguistic Perspectives ed. V. Regan. University College Dublin Press.
Doughty, C. 1991. Second Language instruction does make a difference: evidence from an empirical study on SL relativization. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 13:431-69.
Ferguson, C. 1991. Comments on a Conference. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom ed. B.F. Freed. D. C. Heath and Company.
Fox, R. G., ed. 1991. Recapturing anthropology: Working in the present. School of American Research advanced seminar series. Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press: Distributed by the University of Washington Press.
Freed, B. 1990. Language learning in a study abroad context: The effects of interactive and non-interactive out of class contact on grammatical achievement and oral proficiency. Linguistics, language teaching and language
acquisition: The interdependence of theory, practice and research ed. J. Alatis. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1990.
Freed, B.(ed) 1991. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom. D.C. Heath and Company.
Freed, B. 1993. Assessing the linguistic impact of study abroad: What we currently know — what we need to learn. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication Vol 4. No 4.
Freed B.(ed). 1995. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Gardner, R.C. 1979. Social psychological aspects of second language acquisition. Language and Social Psychology eds. H. Giles and R. T. St Clair, 193-220. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Gass, S. and Varonis, E. M. 1994. Input, interaction and second language production. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 16:283-302.
Ginsberg, R. 1992. Language gains during study abroad: An analysis of the ACTR data. National Foreign Language Center Working Papers. Washington DC.: National Foreign Language Center.
Guntermann, G. 1995. The Peace Corps Experience: Language Learning in Training and in the Field. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John
Hannerz, U. 1992. Cultural complexity: Studies in the social organization of meaning. New York: Columbia University Press.
Hashimoto, H. 1993. Language acquisition of an exchange student within the homestay environment. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 4(4):209-224.
Huebner, T. 1995. The Effects of Overseas Language Programs: Report on a Case Study of an Intensive Japanese Course. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins, 171-193.
Jordan, S. and Barro, A. 1995. The Effect of Ethnographic training on the Year Abroad. “The Year Abroad” Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation. Current Research and Development eds. G. Parker and A. Rouxeville.
Afls and Cilt.
Kasper, G. 1996. The development of pragmatic competence. Eurosla 6. A selection of papers. ed. by Kellerman, E. B.Weltens, and T. Bongaerts. Amsterdam:UV Uitgeverij, 103-120.
Kihlstedt, M. 1994. L’emploi des temps du passé chez quelques apprenants avancés et l’effet éventuel d’un séjour en France. Actes du Douziéne Congrés des Rohanistes Scandinaves ed. G. Boysen. Aalborg, 11- 15/8/1993. Aalborg University Press. 257-267.
Kramsch, C. 1991. Culture in Language Learning : A View from the United States. Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspective eds. De Bot, K. R. Ginsberg, and C. Kramsch. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Kramsch, C. and S. McConnell-Ginet (eds.). 1992. Text and Context: Crossdisciplinary Perspectives on Language Study. Lexington, Mass.: D.C.Heath and Company.
Lafford, B. 1995. Getting Into, Through and Out of a Survival Situation: A Comparison of Communicative Strategies Used by Students Studying Spanish Abroad and “At Home.” Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins
Lapkin, S. D. Hart and M. Swain.1995. A Canadian Interprovincial Exchange: Evaluating the Linguistic Impact of a Three-Month Stay in Quebec. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins.
Laudet, C. 1993. Oral performance of Erasmus students: An assessment. Teanga 13, pp. 13-28.
Marriott, H. 1995. The Acquisition of Politeness Patterns by exchange Students in Japan. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins.
McLaughlin, B. 1987. Theories of Second Language Learning. Edward Arnold
Möhle, D. 1984. A Comparison of the second language speech of different native speakers. Second language productions eds. H.W. Dechert et al., 26-49. Tubingen: Gunter Narr.
Murphy-Lejeune, E. 1995. The Student Strangers: Aspects of Cross-Cultural Adaptation in the Case of International Students. Some Preliminary Findings. “The Year Abroad” Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation. Current Research and Development eds. G. Parker and A. Rouxeville. London: AFLS/CILT.
Nattinger, J. R. and J.S. De Carrico 1992. Lexical phrases and language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parker, G. and A. Rouxeville (eds.). 1995. “The Year Abroad”: Preparation, Monitoring, Evaluation. AFLS/CILT.
Pica, T. 1992. The textual outcomes of native speaker/non-native speaker negotiation: what do they reveal about second language learning. Text and Context: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Language Study eds. Kramsch and McConnell-Ginet. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company.
Raupach, M. 1984. Formulae in second language speech production. Second Language production eds. H. Dechert, D. Möhle, M. Raupach, 114-137. Tubingen: Gunter Narr.
Regan, V. 1995.The Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Native Speech Norms: Effects of a Year Abroad on Second Language Learners of French. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins.
Regan, V. 1996. Variation in French Interlanguage: A Longitudinal Study of Sociolinguistic Competence. Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Variation eds. Bayley, R. and D. Preston. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Regan, V. 1998. Contemporary approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context: a crosslinguistic approach. University College Dublin Press.
Roberts, J. and W. Labov, 1995. Learning to talk Philadelphian: acquisition of short a by preschool children. Language Variation and Change 7(1): 101-112.
Roberts, J. Schmidt, R. 1983. Interaction, acculturation, and the acquisition of communicative competence: a case study of an adult. Sociolinguistic and language acquisition eds. N. Wolfson and E. Judd, 137-174. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.
Siegal, M. 1995. Individual Differences and Study Abroad: Women Learning Japanese in Japan. Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context ed. B.F. Freed. Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins.
Tarone, Elaine; Gass, Susan, Cohen, Andres. 1994. Research Methodology in Second-Language Acquisition. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Towell, R. 1995. “Development of Fluency During the Year Abroad” Paper presented to the annual conference of the Society for French Studies, University of Hull April 1995.
Trudgill, P. 1974. The social differentiation of English in Norwich. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Walsh, R. 1994. The Year Abroad-A Linguistic Challenge. Teanga 14. pp48-57.
Young, R. 1991. Variation in interlanguage morphology. New York: Peter Lang.
How to Cite
Regan, V. . (1998). Sociolinguistics and Language Learning in a Study Abroad Context. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 4(1), 61–90.
Research Articles