Coronavirus and Study Abroad: A Detailed Account of the Suspension of a Program


  • Benjamin Gibbs University of Dallas, Rome Program



international education, study abroad, Italy, COVID-19, crisis response, program operations


The University of Dallas Rome program, in the face of growing health and safety concerns, suspended its operations due to the accelerating COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020. This brief article reflects on actions taken in the days and weeks leading up to the suspension of all activities and closes with a series of lessons learned and reflection questions. While universities and their study abroad programs are still responding to COVID-19 challenges, institutional leaders can learn a great deal from the experience and in preparation for future challenges. This article's reflections and open-ended questions seek to promote greater discussion and planning for those future challenges.

Abstract in Italian

Il programma di Roma dell'Università di Dallas, di fronte alle crescenti preoccupazioni per la salute e la sicurezza, ha sospeso le sue operazioni a causa dell'accelerazione della pandemia di COVID-19 nel marzo del 2020. Questo breve articolo riflette sulle azioni intraprese nei giorni e nelle settimane precedenti alla sospensione di tutte le attività e si chiude con una serie di lezioni apprese e domande di riflessione. Mentre le università e i loro programmi di studio all'estero stanno ancora rispondendo alle sfide del COVID-19, i leader istituzionali possono imparare molto da questa esperienza in preparazione delle sfide future. Le riflessioni e le domande aperte di questo articolo cercano di promuovere una maggiore discussione e pianificazione per queste sfide future. 


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Author Biography

Benjamin Gibbs, University of Dallas, Rome Program

Benjamin Gibbs currently serves as Special Assistant to the President at the University of Dallas and is a doctoral student at the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to his role in the President’s Office at the University of Dallas, Gibbs was the Director of Student Affairs for the Eugene Constantin Rome Campus at the University of Dallas. In his doctoral work, Gibbs’s research focuses on presidential leadership and communications.




How to Cite

Gibbs, B. (2022). Coronavirus and Study Abroad: A Detailed Account of the Suspension of a Program. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 34(1), 192–200.



Learning from COVID-19