The GLOSSARI Project: Initial Findings from a System-Wide Research Initiative on Study Abroad Learning Outcomes


  • Richard C. Sutton
  • Donald L. Rubin



Report, Assessement, Learning Outcomes, Study Abroad


This article is a first report from a system-wide initiative to document learning outcomes accruing from participation in study abroad. It focuses on one element of that initiative, a comparison of several outcomes between study abroad participants and non-participants attending sixteen varied public institutions within a state university system.


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Author Biographies

Richard C. Sutton

Richard C. Sutton is Director of International Programs and Senior Advisor for Academic Affairs for the University System of Georgia Board of Regents. He held prior academic affairs positions with the Iowa Board of Regents and the University of Wisconsin System Administration. He also served as Director of International Education at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse from 1984 to 1995. A Russian historian by training, he earned his Ph.D. from Indiana University and his A.B. from Duke University.

Donald L. Rubin

Donald L. Rubin received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1978. He holds a joint appointment as Professor in the Departments of Speech Communication and Language Education and in the Program in Linguistics at the University of Georgia. His teaching and research pertain primarily to intercultural communication, especially perceived intelligibility and competence of international instructors and others who speak nonmainstream North American English. He currently edits the journal Communication Education.


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How to Cite

Sutton, R. C. ., & Rubin, D. L. . (2004). The GLOSSARI Project: Initial Findings from a System-Wide Research Initiative on Study Abroad Learning Outcomes. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10(1), 65–82.



II. Accounting for Learning Across Several Domains