Ethnographic Inquiry: Reframing the Learning Core of Education Abroad
Ethnographic inquiry, Education abroad, Cultural learning, Study abroadAbstract
This article seeks to reexamine the student experience in education abroad today and will propose the integration of ethnographic inquiry into education abroad programming, not as a supplemental program component, but as a paradigm through which we can engage students in meaningful cultural learning and exploration.
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Citron, J.L. & Kline, R. (2001, Fall). “From Experience to Experiential Education: Taking Study Abroad Outside the Comfort Zone.” International Educator, 10(4), 18–26.
Crane, Julia G. and Michael V. Angrosino. (1984) Field Projects in Anthropology: A Student Guide. Prospect Heights: IL: Waveland Press.
Davidson, A. L. “Students’ Situated Selves: Ethnographic Interviewing as Cultural Therapy” in Spindler, G. & L. Spindler (1994) Pathways to Cultural Awareness: Cultural Therapy with Teachers and Students. Corwin Press.
Jurasek, Richard T., Lamson, H., & O’Maley, P. (1996, Fall). “Ethnographic Learning while Studying Abroad.” Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 2.
Jurasek, Richard T. (1991). “Earlham College: Connecting Off-Campus and On-Campus Learning.” In Barbara A. Burn (ed.) Integrating Study Abroad into the Undergraduate Liberal Arts Curriculum. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
_____. (1995). “Using Ethnography to Bridge the Gap Between Study Abroad and the On-campus Language and Culture Curriculum.” In C. Kramsch (ed.) Redefining the Boundaries of Language Study (pp. 221–251). Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Gundykunst, William B. (1991). Bridging Differences: Effective Intergroup Interaction. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Institute of International Education (IIE). (2005). Open Doors. []
LaBrack, Bruce. (1994). “Covert Competencies: The Recognition and Assessment of ‘Hidden’ Skills Gained from Study Abroad.” In Education Exchange and Global Competence. Council for International Education Exchange.
LeCompte, Margaret D. & Jean J. Schensul. (1999). Designing and Conducting Ethnographic Research. Walnut Creek, CA: Altimira Press.
Malinowski, Bronislaw. (1922). Argonauts of the Western Pacific. London: Routledge.
Richard, M.J. (2001, Fall) “Novices in the Field: Filling in the Meaning Continuum.” Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 7, 95–119.
Rodgers, Carol. (June 2002). “Defining Reflection: Another Look at John Dewey and Reflective Thinking.” Teachers College Record, vol. 104, no. 4, pp. 842–866.
Spindler, George & Louise Spindler, Eds. (1994). Pathways to Cultural Awareness: Cultural Therapy with Teachers and Students. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.
Spradley, James P. (1979). The Ethnographic Interview. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Inc.
_____. (1980). Participant Observation. Wadsworth Thomson Learning. Wagner, Kenneth and Tony Magistrale. (1997). Writing Across Culture: An Introduction to Study Abroad and the Writing Process. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
How to Cite
Ogden, A. C. (2006). Ethnographic Inquiry: Reframing the Learning Core of Education Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 13(1), 87–112.
Research Articles