First City, Anti-City: Cain, Heterotopia, and Study Abroad


  • Lance Kenney



City, Genealogy, Heterotopia, Study Abroad, Globalized city, Education abroad


A discussion of the city’s relation to study abroad provides an opportunity to insert a theoretical element into the pedagogy of the profession. This article presents an essay that first introduces the Foucauldian concepts of “genealogy” and “heterotopia” to the idea of the “city,” and in turn applies the same terms to the place of the city in the study abroad experience. Then, turning from Michel Foucault as “philosopher of space” to Paul Virilio, “philosopher of time,” the article demonstrates the interplay between Foucault’s heterotopia and Virilio’s “anti-city,” showing how study abroad in the contemporary, globalized city requires distinct programmatic changes to the (s)pace of education abroad.


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Author Biography

Lance Kenney

Lance Kenney is Director of International Studies and Overseas Program at Villanova University. While an Assistant Resident Director in Cheltenham, England, he completed a Master’s degree in International Relations at the University of Bristol, specializing in international relations theory. Lance serves on the advisory boards of several study abroad program providers and has presented regularly on issues related to critical theory and education abroad. 


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How to Cite

Kenney, L. (2011). First City, Anti-City: Cain, Heterotopia, and Study Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 20(1), 1–16.