Long-Term Impacts of Short-Term Study Abroad: Teacher Perceptions of Preservice Study Abroad Experiences


  • James Shiveley
  • Thomas Misco




Long-term impact, Short-term, Study abroad, Teacher perception, Preservice study abroad experience, Education abroad


Given the calls for a stronger global focus among pre-service teachers and the value of study abroad experiences to assist in this process, many teacher preparation programs have worked to include study abroad experiences into their programs. Including study abroad experiences lasting a semester or more has proven to be a challenge for many such programs however, given the highly structured and locally contextual nature of teacher education. The result is that most study abroad experiences available for preservice teachers are short-term, lasting only a few weeks. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not a short-term study abroad course, taken during preservice teachers’ undergraduate program, had any lasting professional or personal impact once they become teachers.


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Author Biographies

James Shiveley

James Shiveley earned his Ph.D. at The Ohio State University. He is now the Condit Endowed Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Miami University. His research interests are in the area of citizenship education and comparative education. His email address is shiveljm@miamioh.edu.

Thomas Misco

Thomas Misco earned his Ph.D. at The University of Iowa. He is now an associate professor of social studies education in the Department of Teacher Education at Miami University. His research interests are in the areas of citizenship education and controversial issue instruction, particularly in cross-cultural contexts. His email address is miscotj@miamioh.edu


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How to Cite

Shiveley, J., & Misco, T. (2015). Long-Term Impacts of Short-Term Study Abroad: Teacher Perceptions of Preservice Study Abroad Experiences. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 26(1), 107–120. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v26i1.361



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