Teaching Mathematics in Multi-Lingual Classrooms: Developing Intercultural Competence via a Study Abroad Program


  • Lisa Ann Kasmer Grand Valley State University
  • Esther Billings Grand Valley State University




Intercultural competence, Pre-service teachers, US students, Tanzania, Multi-lingual, Mathematics, Study aborad, Education abroad


This study investigated how a study abroad experience teaching mathematics in Tanzania, Africa impacted a group of secondary education pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) from the United States. In particular, we discuss their ability to facilitate the learning of students in multi-lingual mathematics classrooms while personally developing intercultural competence. We examined three areas: the PSTs’ knowledge and comprehension, skills, and attitudes in an effort to understand their ability to teach in multilingual classrooms.


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How to Cite

Kasmer, L. A. ., & Billings, E. (2017). Teaching Mathematics in Multi-Lingual Classrooms: Developing Intercultural Competence via a Study Abroad Program. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 29(2), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v29i2.389