Photovoices of Urban Educational Leadership Students Abroad in Peru


  • W. Kyle Ingle University of Louisville
  • Detra Johnson University of Houston



Urban educational leadership, Study abroad, Peru, Photovoice, Graduate students, Short-term study abroad


The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the perceptions and experiences of educational leadership graduate students who participated in a short term study abroad program in Peru. We analyzed assignments submitted for course credit, including a total of 144 photos and 107 corresponding reflections submitted as part of the photovoice assignment. Analysis revealed that the study abroad was a transformative experience . Students drew upon their own professional experiences to make sense of their educational experiences overseas . Their experience in Peru gave them a window into the wor ld of so many students in their U S schools what it is like to be a racial and language minority enriching and informing their perspectives as educators and future educational leaders. Instructors in study abroad courses may seek a balance between th e analytical const raints of applied heuristics with the freedom that photovoice promises.


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How to Cite

Ingle, W. K., & Johnson, D. (2019). Photovoices of Urban Educational Leadership Students Abroad in Peru. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 31(1), 74–110.