An Analysis of the Connections Between Involvement in Study Abroad, Other High-Impact Practices, and Co-Curricular Activities
Study abroad, High Impact Practices, Co-curricular activities, Multiple-participation, ParticipationAbstract
In the present study, the linkages between study abroad particip ation, participation in other high impact educational practices, and participation in co curricular activities were examined. It was the purpose of the study to determine if study abroad participants also chose to participate in multiple other high impa ct educational practices and co curricular activities at significantly higher rates than their peers who did not study abroad. The present study demonstrated that many students who study abroad tend toward multiple participation (e.g. participation in mul tiple voluntary activities) when controlling for race/ethnicity, gender, and academic major. While multiple participation was established among many study abroad subgroups, the current study was not able to substantiate multiple participation among all st udent subgroups.
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