Impact of a Growing Population on Natural Resources: The Challenge for Environmental Management


  • David Pimentel
  • X. Huang
  • A. Codova
  • M. Pimentel



Growing population, Natural resources, environmental management


The food situation worldwide is becoming critical. At present, more than 2 billion humans are malnourished and experience unhealthy living conditions (FAO, 1992a,b; Neisheim, 1993; McMichael, 1993; Maberly, 1994; Bouis, 1995). The number of humans who also are diseased is the largest number ever, and about 40,000 children die each day from disease and malnutrition (Kutzner, 1991; Tribe, 1994). 

The many problems that are now evident emphasize the urgent need to reassess the status of environmental resources. Based on the evidence, definitive plans must be developed to improve environmental management now and for the future. Of major importance is the limiting and slow reduction of human numbers to better balance the carrying capacity of the earth's natural resources. 


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Author Biography

David Pimentel

David Pimentel, Professor of Entomology, and Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 


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How to Cite

Pimentel, D. ., Huang, X. ., Codova, A., & Pimentel, M. (1997). Impact of a Growing Population on Natural Resources: The Challenge for Environmental Management. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 3(1), 105–131.



Section 2: Science and Technology Education in the Global Environment