Moving through Autonomy toward Interdependence: A Framework for Examining Student Perceptions of Development in a Hybrid Model Study Abroad Program


  • Morgan McCleeary Indian Hills Community College
  • Niki Sol Anglia Ruskin University



study abroad, student development, instrumental independence, emotional independence, interdependence


Examining how students develop abroad within a given study abroad program model can provide insight into their experiences and how to best support them. This study explores the experiences of students who studied abroad through one of Midwest College’s five hybrid study abroad programs during the 2016-2017 academic year. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine students to determine the participants’ perceptions of their personal development, using Chickering and Reisser’s (1993) third vector of student development, moving through autonomy toward interdependence, as a theoretical framework. The findings revealed that participants perceived they had grown in all three areas of Chickering and Reisser’s third vector: instrumental independence, emotional independence and interdependence, providing new insight and perspective into the growing body of research regarding student development in study abroad program models.


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Author Biographies

Morgan McCleeary, Indian Hills Community College

Morgan McCleeary is the International Affairs Coordinator at Indian Hills Community College. She holds her MA in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Anglia Ruskin University where her research focused on student development and program models in study abroad.

Niki Sol, Anglia Ruskin University

Niki Sol led Anglia Ruskin University’s MA in Student Affairs in Higher Education. She holds her PhD in Education from the University of Cambridge; her research explores study abroad’s impact on students’ identity negotiation with a particular focus in underrepresented populations. Before joining academia, Niki operated in student affairs (including study abroad) in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and United States.


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How to Cite

McCleeary, M., & Sol, N. (2020). Moving through Autonomy toward Interdependence: A Framework for Examining Student Perceptions of Development in a Hybrid Model Study Abroad Program. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 32(3), 99–125.



Research Articles