Equitable Study Abroad Fee Policies: History, Literature, and Recommendations


  • Adelia Pope Mount Holyoke College




Equity, financial modelhome school tuition, policy, study abroad


This article presents history, literature, and recommendations to guide study abroad administrators and institutions of higher education to enact equitable study abroad fee policies. A review of the literature (a) underscores the need for institutions to advance social justice by providing equitable access to the high impact practice of study abroad, and (b) indicates that each institution should engage in its own collaborative interdepartmental investigation to identify how an equitable study abroad fee policy can be accomplished in a financially sustainable and administratively manageable way. The article explores factors of the home school tuition policy, which is becoming more common among private colleges and universities, and it provides recommendations for how study abroad administrators may advocate for equitable policies and navigate the complex task of a policy review.

Abstract in Spanish

En este artículo se presentan la historia, publicaciones y recomendaciones para guiar a los administradores y las instituciones de educación superior con el fin de adoptar políticas equitativas de tarifas para los estudios en el extranjero. Una revisión bibliográfica (a) subraya la necesidad de que las instituciones fomenten la justicia social brindando un acceso equitativo a la práctica de gran impacto de estudiar en el extranjero, e (b) indica que cada institución debe participar en su propia investigación colaborativa interdepartamental para reconocer cómo una política equitativa de tarifas para estudiar en el extranjero puede lograrse de una manera económicamente sostenible y administrativamente manejable. En el artículo se analizan los factores de la política de matrícula de la institución de origen, que es cada vez más común entre centros y universidades privadas, y se ofrecen recomendaciones sobre cómo los administradores de los estudios en el extranjero pueden proponer políticas igualitarias y abrirse camino en la compleja tarea de una revisión de políticas.


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Author Biography

Adelia Pope, Mount Holyoke College

Adelia Pope has over 20 years of experience in international education. Currently, she serves as Study Abroad Coordinator for the McCulloch Center for Global Initiatives at Mount Holyoke College. Adelia holds a Master’s of Education in Higher Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and her studies focus on equitable policy and practice within study abroad. She studied abroad for a year in Vienna, Austria.


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How to Cite

Pope, A. (2023). Equitable Study Abroad Fee Policies: History, Literature, and Recommendations. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 35(3), 24–52. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v35i3.762



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