Spatialized Race and Sense of Belonging: Experiences of Black Students in Study Abroad


  • Cherese F. Fine Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • Katrina Black Reed Penn State Abington
  • Lauren N. Duffy Clemson University
  • Laetitia K. Adelson University of Georgia
  • Jason Combs Clemson University
  • Kendra Stewart-Tillman Clemson University



Black students, diasporic travel, place and space, sense of belonging, study abroad


Using a case study approach, this study examined the role that spatialized notions of race and sense of belonging had on 10 Black students from a predominantly White institution, in a diasporic study abroad experience in Cuba. In particular, this study explored how race was situated in the study abroad program (space) and in Cuba (place) and how it impacted Black students’ sense of belonging. Findings indicated the location and content of the study abroad experience, along with the group makeup of the trip, created a positive sense of belonging for Black students. Specifically, the themes that emerged include, Racialized Spaces: Connection to Blackness in the Program and Racialized Places: Connection to Blackness in the Destination. This study supports the importance of designing intentional programs that can build community and sense of belonging for Black students abroad.


Abstract in Spanish

Utilizando un enfoque de estudio de caso, este estudio examinó el papel que las nociones espacializadas de raza y sentido de pertenencia tuvieron en 10 estudiantes negros de una institución predominantemente blanca, en una experiencia de estudio diaspórico en el extranjero en Cuba. En particular, este estudio exploró cómo se situaba la raza en el programa de estudios en el extranjero (espacio) y en Cuba (lugar) y cómo impactaba el sentido de pertenencia de los estudiantes negros. Los hallazgos indicaron que la ubicación y el contenido de la experiencia de estudiar en el extranjero, junto con la composición del grupo del viaje, crearon un sentido positivo de pertenencia para los estudiantes negros. Específicamente, los temas que surgieron incluyen Espacios racializados: conexión con la negritud en el programa y Lugares racializados: conexión con la negritud en el destino. Este estudio respalda la importancia de diseñar programas intencionales que puedan construir una comunidad y un sentido de pertenencia para los estudiantes negros en el extranjero.


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Author Biographies

Cherese F. Fine, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Dr. Cherese Fine is an Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Her scholarship focuses on the experiences of Black college students as well as the dynamics of intercollegiate athletics. Her higher ed career has included developing and coordinating several programs centered on college access and readiness, retention, and success among minoritized populations.

Katrina Black Reed, Penn State Abington

Dr. Katrina Black Reed is an Assistant Professor at Penn State Abington in the department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Management. Her research focuses on justice-oriented approaches that are conscious-building, researcher participatory-based, and foster belonging and positive development among youth. She currently plans educational trips abroad that allow students to participate in intercultural exchange.

Lauren N. Duffy, Clemson University

Dr. Lauren Duffy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at Clemson University. Her research program is grounded within critical leisure and tourism studies where she explores issues of power in tourism planning and development, rural and community-based tourism planning, gender and feminist epistemologies, political economy, local food systems, and resident-tourist relationships. Her pedagogical research has focused on critical pedagogy, international education, service-learning, collaboration, and transformative learning.

Laetitia K. Adelson, University of Georgia

Laetitia Adelson is a Senior Career Consultant and third-year doctoral student at the University of Georgia. Her research agenda focuses on the experiences of Black students and intercollegiate athletics. Her higher education career has always focused on creating programs and spaces that focus on college and career readiness where students can thrive. She earned her M.Ed. in Counselor education at Clemson and her Bachelor of science in Health Promotion from The University of Georgia.

Jason Combs, Clemson University

Jason Combs is the Director of the Clemson-based college access program Emerging Scholars. He earned a B.A in political science and an M.Ed. in counselor education with an emphasis in student affairs from Clemson University. He has spent his higher education career supporting students along the I-95 corridor of South Carolina as they access higher education. Jason is passionate about his work building bridges to higher education for underrepresented students.

Kendra Stewart-Tillman, Clemson University

Dr. Kendra Stewart-Tillman is an educator whose work and research focuses on creating inclusive campus cultures and building intercultural capacity for all individuals and institutions. She currently serves as the Associate Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for the Division of Inclusion and Equity at Clemson University. She earned a Bachelor’s in Communications from Wake Forest University, a Master’s in Higher Education Administration from Harvard University and a PhD in Educational Leadership from Clemson University.


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How to Cite

Fine, C. F., Black Reed, K., Duffy, L. N., Adelson, L. K., Combs, J., & Stewart-Tillman, K. (2024). Spatialized Race and Sense of Belonging: Experiences of Black Students in Study Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 36(1), 131–162.



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