The Curriculum is the Culprit: Debunking Deficit Myths and Improving Access to Study Abroad for Community College/Technical and Vocational Students


  • Sarah E. Spencer OnPoint Global Strategies & Coaching
  • Alexandra Wood Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)



Community college, curriculum, degree requirements, first-year, general education, technical/vocational education, transfer credit


While community college and technical and vocational educational and training (TVET) students’ ability to afford a study abroad experience as well as the “culture” that shapes their attitudes towards education abroad are frequently framed as barriers to participation, this article posits that curriculum is one of the primary gatekeepers. Qualitative interviews with global education leaders at 20 U.S. institutions indicate that the availability of flexible program models and student interest in international experiences are creating favorable conditions for their students to go abroad, yet finding courses outside of faculty-led programs that meet these students’ curricular needs is an enduring challenge. This article argues that shifting away from a deficit perspective in education abroad research and looking beyond assumptions that community college/TVET institutional characteristics and their students’ socioeconomic identities are necessary steps towards addressing low enrollment in study abroad. Rather, leaders at higher education institutions and study abroad organizations can open doors by adding courses that align with general education curriculum and associate degree requirements for direct-enrollment options.


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Author Biographies

Sarah E. Spencer, OnPoint Global Strategies & Coaching

Sarah E. Spencer, M.A., is the founder of OnPoint Global Strategies & Coaching, supporting global education with strategy and solutions, leadership and team development and professional coaching. Sarah is also a founding member of the Global Leadership League. She held a variety of management positions at the University of St. Thomas and played an active role in the sector with presentations, committees, and elected positions, including NAFSA, Forum on Education Abroad, and CIEE’s Academic Consortium Board.

Alexandra Wood, Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)

Alexandra Wood, Ph.D., is Vice President for Global Ventures at the Council on International Educational Exchange, where she is currently responsible for new business development, and where she previously served as Vice President for Academic Affairs. Prior to joining CIEE, Alexandra was a Visiting Assistant Professor at New York University and Administrative Director of NYU’s Multinational Institute of American Studies, a program for international scholars funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.


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How to Cite

Spencer, S. E., & Wood, A. (2023). The Curriculum is the Culprit: Debunking Deficit Myths and Improving Access to Study Abroad for Community College/Technical and Vocational Students. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 35(3), 274–302.



Special Section: Assessment and Evaluation in Community College/Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Education Abroad