Vocational Educational Training (VET) in Tunisia: Barriers and Challenges to its Internationalization and Possible Solutions to Boost Socio-Economic Development of the Country


  • Silvia Marchionne UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union




Economic development, internationalization, national priorities, strategy, Tunisia, VET


Since the educational reform of the 1980s, Tunisian Vocational Educational Training (VET) system has been the oldest continuing education system in North Africa, with its origins dating back to the beginning of Tunisian independence from the French colonial power in 1956. This article explores internationalization trends in VET institutions in Tunisia through desk research on secondary sources and through informal interviews with local actors conducted in 2023 to complement gathered information. The study contributes to setting grounds for further research in this field by providing an overview of the (VET) sector in Tunisia, their internationalization trends, and policy recommendations to further develop the internationalization of VET institutions in the country.

Abstract in French

Depuis la réforme éducative des années 1980, le système tunisien de formation professionnelle (EFP) est le plus ancien système de formation continue en Afrique du Nord, ses origines remontant au début de l'indépendance tunisienne de la puissance coloniale française en 1956. Cet article explore l'internationalisation et ses tendances dans les établissements d’EFP en Tunisie à travers une recherche documentaire sur des sources secondaires et à travers des entretiens informels avec des acteurs locaux menés en 2023 pour compléter les informations recueillies. L'étude contribue à jeter les bases de recherches plus approfondies dans ce domaine en fournissant un aperçu du secteur de la formation professionnelle en Tunisie, de ses tendances en matière d'internationalisation et des recommandations politiques pour développer davantage l'internationalisation des institutions d'EFP dans le pays.


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Author Biography

Silvia Marchionne, UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union

With a Postgraduate Master Degree in International Cooperation and Development and a Master Degree in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Silvia Marchionne has worked within UNIMED since 2013 as Project Manager, expert of international higher education, university governance, and employability in the Middle East and North Africa region. Silvia is also an International Consultant at the World Bank, and she is a PhD student in Internationalisation of higher education at the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation, University of Cattolica (Milan, Italy).


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How to Cite

Marchionne, S. (2023). Vocational Educational Training (VET) in Tunisia: Barriers and Challenges to its Internationalization and Possible Solutions to Boost Socio-Economic Development of the Country. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 35(3), 208–237. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v35i3.837



Special Section: Assessment and Evaluation in Community College/Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Education Abroad