Measuring the Effects of a Semester Abroad on Students’ Oral Proficiency Gains: A Comparison of At Home and Study Abroad


  • Christopher J. Jochum



Spanish, Oral Proficiency interview by computer, Study abroad, at-home, Proficiency gains


This study investigates oral proficiency gains among study-abroad (SA) and at-home (AH) students over the course of one semester. Using the Oral Proficiency Interview by Computer (OPIc), students (N=18) were assessed before and after studying Spanish either on-campus or abroad. Findings revealed that while both groups’ mean proficiency scores improved, the SA group showed significant pre-post improvement. The percentage of students who improved at least one proficiency level was 44% for the AH group and 89% among SA participants, whose minimum post-test level was Intermediate-Mid. Only two students (SA group), however, reached the Advanced-Low level. Results outline some of the implications and limitations associated with semester-long study abroad and increased oral proficiency and offer suggestions for future research. 


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Author Biography

Christopher J. Jochum

Christopher J. Jochum, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Spanish and Foreign Language Education at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. His research interests include study abroad, foreign language proficiency, teacher education and online instruction.


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How to Cite

Jochum, C. J. (2014). Measuring the Effects of a Semester Abroad on Students’ Oral Proficiency Gains: A Comparison of At Home and Study Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 24(1), 93–104.



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