Cultural Intelligence and Short-Term Study Abroad Length: The Effect of an Undergraduate Cultural Development Course and Short-Term Study Abroad Program on Student CQ


  • Kristofer Chang Alexander School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Purdue University
  • Luke T Ingersoll School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Purdue University
  • Cleveland G. Shields Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University
  • Monica L. Miller College of Pharmacy, Purdue University
  • John A. Gipson Educational Studies and Division of Summer Session, Purdue University
  • Charles A. Calahan Center for Instructional Excellence, Purdue University
  • Andrea L. DeMaria Department of Public Health, Purdue University
  • Stewart Chang Alexander Department of Public Health, Purdue University



cultural intelligence, study abroad, cultural training, social learning theory


Some colleges, departments, and study abroad offices have developed cultural development courses and study abroad opportunities designed to help improve students’ cultural awareness, knowledge, and skills. Some evidence suggests combining these approaches can be effective at helping students increase their Cultural Intelligence (CQ). This study examined the effects of a combined semester long, on-campus cultural development course followed by either a three- or six-week faculty-led study abroad program on student CQ. Students in both short-term programs increased in all four CQ domains (motivation, cognitive, metacognitive and behavior CQ) relative to a comparison group. No differences were found between the three- and six-week program for motivation, cognition, and behavior. However, there was a significant difference in metacognitive CQ between the two programs. Our study suggests participating in a semester-long cultural development course prior to a short-term study abroad increases undergraduate students’ motivation, cognitive, metacognitive, and behavior CQ.


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Author Biographies

Kristofer Chang Alexander, School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Purdue University

Kristofer Chang Alexander is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Purdue University in the White Lodging-J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Professor Chang Alexander has been promoting and assessing intercultural learning outcomes for study abroad programs. He has expanded his cultural training from study abroad programs to the classroom, where his work focuses on developing educational, engaging, and flexible pedagogy.

Luke T Ingersoll, School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Purdue University

Luke T. Ingersoll received his Ph.D. from Purdue University. Dr. Ingersoll helped design and implement an intercultural development program to increase undergraduate students' Cultural Intelligence (CQ). He also helped lead study abroad programs in six different countries. He currently publishes as an independent researcher.

Cleveland G. Shields, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University

Cleveland G. Shields is a Professor Emeritus at Purdue University in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Dr. Shields is a Faculty Scholar and received the College of Health and Human Sciences’ Career Research Achievement Award. His research examines racial and gender differences in physician-patient communication.

Monica L. Miller, College of Pharmacy, Purdue University

Monica L. Miller is a Clinical Professor in the Purdue University College of Pharmacy. Dr. Miller also serves as a study abroad/international program lead as well as the College of Pharmacy’s Intercultural Learning Liaison in both roles, she helps pharmacy students develop intercultural competence skills to effectively work with underserved populations domestically and globally. She is a Service Learning Faculty Fellow whose dedication to teaching, mentorship and work with the Purdue Kenya Partnership has been consistently recognized and celebrated.

John A. Gipson, Educational Studies and Division of Summer Session, Purdue University

John A. Gipson is the Director of Summer Session at Purdue University. The program runs the Think Summer program for students, including, Summer Internships and the Summer Stay Scholar Program. Dr. Gipson implements programs to reduce time to degree, increase affordability, and improve access to academic programs.

Charles A. Calahan, Center for Instructional Excellence, Purdue University

Charles A. Calahan directs Global Learning in the Center for Instructional Excellence at Purdue University. As an award-winning teacher in the College of Health and Human Sciences, his teaching and learning focused on active and experiential learning via advanced and innovative technologies. Since 2005, he was a paradigm pioneer at Purdue University in hybrid or blended learning. He is a Purdue University Diversity Fellow, Service-Learning Fellow, and a Member of the Purdue Teaching Academy.

Andrea L. DeMaria, Department of Public Health, Purdue University

Andrea L. DeMaria is an Associate Professor and Director of the Master of Public Health Program in the Department of Public Health at Purdue University. Dr. DeMaria is a women’s reproductive and sexual health expert who leads a 7-week, research-based summer study abroad program to Florence, Italy.

Stewart Chang Alexander, Department of Public Health, Purdue University

Stewart Chang Alexander is an Associate Professor and Faculty Scholar at Purdue University in the Department of Public Health. Dr. Chang Alexander's research focuses on the Promotion of Health and Wellness of individuals by documenting and improving how medical providers talk with patients. His research areas include patient-provider communication, improving adolescent sexual orientation and gender identity discussions in primary care, and intercultural development.


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How to Cite

Chang Alexander, K., Ingersoll, L. T., Shields, C. G., Miller, M. L., Gipson, J. A., Calahan, C. A., DeMaria, A. L., & Chang Alexander, S. (2022). Cultural Intelligence and Short-Term Study Abroad Length: The Effect of an Undergraduate Cultural Development Course and Short-Term Study Abroad Program on Student CQ. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 34(2), 280–301.



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