Recognizing the Impact of Study Abroad on Women Business Students: Results from a Mixed Methods Global Competency Survey


  • Jennifer L. Petrie-Wyman University of Pittsburgh
  • Audrey Murrell University of Pittsburgh
  • Bryan Schultz University of Pittsburgh



study abroad and women, global competency, study abroad and gender, study abroad and business students, study abroad and mixed methods


This article presents the results of a mixed methods survey collected from male and female business students that have studied abroad and not studied abroad. The survey of business students indicates significant differences between men and women that have studied abroad regarding motivation and outcomes of study abroad experience. This paper describes the significant outcomes of study abroad emphasizing the effects of study abroad on women’s global competency. The discussion, limitations, and recommendations for future research, program development, and career integration for women are also presented. The goal of this paper is to have readers reconsider the relevancy of study abroad for women.


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Author Biographies

Jennifer L. Petrie-Wyman, University of Pittsburgh

Jennifer Petrie-Wyman is Assistant Director/Adjunct Faculty at the David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership at the College of Business of Administration, University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Petrie researches global competency, service learning, leadership and ethics education, and African education policy. In Ghana, Jennifer’s current project focuses on understanding ethical leadership development for women. Jennifer also performs as a member of Azaguno, a multicultural African performing arts ensemble and non-profit for the past nine years.

Audrey Murrell, University of Pittsburgh

Audrey J. Murrell is Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration and Professor of Business Administration at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Murrell conducts research on mentoring, workplace/supplier diversity and social issues in management. This work has been published widely including the recent book, “Mentoring Diverse Leaders: Creating Change for People, Processes and Paradigms” (Routledge) with Stacy Blake-Beard. Dr. Murrell serves as a leadership and mentoring consultant and has chaired non-profit and community boards.

Bryan Schultz, University of Pittsburgh

Bryan Schultz is the Director of International Programs at the University of Pittsburgh, College of Business Administration. His portfolio of responsibilities include internationalizing the undergraduate business school through on campus and international academic, experiential, and research opportunities. Bryan earned a Master of Nonprofit Management from Regis University (CO) through the prestigious Colorado Trust Fellowship. Bryan’s bachelor’s degree is from Kalamazoo College (MI) where he first learned the importance of global competency.


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How to Cite

Petrie-Wyman, J. L., Murrell, A., & Schultz, B. (2020). Recognizing the Impact of Study Abroad on Women Business Students: Results from a Mixed Methods Global Competency Survey. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 32(3), 22–50.



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