Doerr, Neriko Musha. (2019). Transforming study abroad: A handbook. Berghahn. 221 pages.


  • Heidi Fischer Old Dominion University



intercultural competency, study abroad discourse, handbook



In her new handbook, Transforming Study Abroad: A Handbook (2019), Doerr takes the discourse surrounding several education abroad concepts in a new direction. She emphasizes the need for a rigorous theoretical framework throughout the education abroad experience for students to successfully process their experiences while studying abroad. Transforming Study Abroad is a well-researched and practical handbook that includes sample questions for students to consider that can be used in various settings, such as in one-on-one meetings with administrators, in small group discussions, or during orientation sessions. Additionally, the book could lend itself as a textbook for a reflection-based education abroad course.

Abstract in German

In ihrem neuen Handbuch Transforming Study Abroad: A Handbook (2019) nimmt Doerr den Diskurs über verschiedene Konzepte des Auslandsstudium in eine neue Richtung. Sie betont die Notwendigkeit der Nutzing eines theoretischen Rahmens rund um das Auslansstudium, damit die StudentInnen ihre Erfahrungen während des Studiums erfolgreich verarbeiten können. Transforming Study Abroad ist ein gut recherchiertes und praktisches Handbuch, das Beispielfragen enthält, die die StudentInnen berücksichtigen können und die in verschiedenen Situationen verwendet werden können, z. B. in Einzelgesprächen mit BeraterInnen, in Diskussionen in kleinen Gruppen oder während Orientierungssitzungen. Darüber hinaus eignete sich das Buch als Lehrbuch für einen reflexionsbasierten Kurs während des Auslandsstudiums.


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Author Biography

Heidi Fischer, Old Dominion University

Ms. Heidi Fischer is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Higher Education at Old Dominion University. Previously, she worked in education abroad at both public and private universities in North Carolina. For two years, she served as the course coordinator for the education abroad reflection-based courses for students studying abroad and those returning from education abroad. Her research interests are campus internationalization, education abroad, and community college students. She serves as the 2021 chair of NAFSA Region VIII.


Doerr, Neriko Musha. (2019). Transforming study abroad: A handbook. Berghahn. 221 pages.




How to Cite

Fischer, H. (2020). Doerr, Neriko Musha. (2019). Transforming study abroad: A handbook. Berghahn. 221 pages. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 32(3), 212–215.



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