Online + International: Utilizing Theory to Maximize Intercultural Learning in Virtual Exchange Courses


  • Gudrun Nyunt Northern Illinois University
  • Elizabeth Niehaus University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • Ashley Light University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • Alex Boryca University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • Angela Bryan University of Nebraska–Lincoln



virtual exchange, intercultural learning, intergroup contact, online learning


Virtual exchanges (VEs) are course-based experiences designed to promote global learning, often by integrating cross-cultural interactions and collaborations with people from other areas of the world into coursework in a virtual format. Due to the widespread disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, VEs have seen an increase in popularity. However, research findings on the effectiveness of VEs are mixed, and limited guidance is available to VE instructors on how to structure and facilitate these programs. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how theories and literature in two distinct areas of scholarship, Intergroup Contact theory and the Community of Inquiry model in online learning, could be applied to VEs to maximize student learning. We discuss each of these theories first and then highlight how they could be applied to VEs using illustrative examples from a pilot study of five VE courses offered at one institution during the summer of 2021.


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Author Biographies

Gudrun Nyunt, Northern Illinois University

Dr. Gudrun Nyunt is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education at Northern Illinois University. Nyunt holds a Ph.D. in Student Affairs from the University of Maryland, College Park. Her scholarly activities strive to bridge the gap between practice and research by addressing problems of practice and providing evidence-based guidance to practitioners. Her areas of interest include (a) the internationalization of higher education, with a specific focus on education abroad and the experiences of international students, and (b) the experiences of faculty and staff in higher education.

Elizabeth Niehaus, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Dr. Elizabeth Niehaus is Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Her research focuses on creating and improving educational environments to facilitate student learning and development in higher education. Her work spans across diverse learners, learning environments, and learning and developmental processes and outcomes, and focuses on (1) the internationalization of U.S. higher education and (2) issues of free speech, academic freedom, and campus climate.

Ashley Light, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Ashley Light is a doctoral student at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Her research interests focus on college student success, retention, and high-impact practices. Ashley currently serves as an Assistant Director in the Explore Center at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. She holds a master's degree in educational administration from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln and a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Nebraska-Kearney.

Alex Boryca, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Alex Z. Boryca is a doctoral student at University of Nebraska-Lincoln with research interests in higher education organizational change, climate, working conditions, and wellness. She consults on strategic systems for higher education and non-profit clients aimed at developing efficient, inclusive, and collaborative work environments. She holds a master's degree in Student Affairs Counseling from University of Nebraska Omaha and a bachelor's degree in graphic design from Iowa State University.

Angela Bryan, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Angela Bryan is a doctoral student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she also serves as Associate Director of Graduate Admissions. Her research interests include the internationalization of higher education, with a particular focus on international student experiences with cross-cultural transition and adjustment; race and diversity in higher education; as well as the role of international higher education in promoting social justice.


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How to Cite

Nyunt, G., Niehaus, E., Light, A., Boryca, A., & Bryan, A. (2023). Online + International: Utilizing Theory to Maximize Intercultural Learning in Virtual Exchange Courses. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 35(1), 325–344.



Learning from COVID-19
