The Weight of the World: An Overview of Current Trends in Student and Program Staff Mental Health and Well-Being Abroad


  • Mark Barneche Abilene Christian University
  • Laura Dupont-Jarrett University of Minnesota
  • Vanessa Nichol-Peters Marist Italy (Marist University)



DASS-21, international educators, mental health, staff, study abroad, well-being


The increasing need for student mental health support abroad has been subject to much attention from both practitioners and scholars in recent years. Less attention has been paid to the profound impact that the increasing complexity of mental health support is having on international education staff and faculty in the U.S. and abroad. In this article, we outline current trends in college student mental health in the U.S, and we explore the student mental health trends observed by international educators in Europe. We examine the impact on international educators by analyzing quantitative survey data collected from a sample of international educators based in Europe. Our analysis suggests that mental health support during study abroad is a critical issue not only for students but also for international educators working closely with them.


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Author Biographies

Mark Barneche, Abilene Christian University

Mark Barneche is the Executive Director of International Education and Study Abroad at Abilene Christian University. He served for a decade as the Associate Director of Pepperdine University's international program in French-speaking Switzerland. His international programming experience spans across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and South America. Mark holds an MA in Global Service and is a doctoral student in Global Education at SIT.

Laura Dupont-Jarrett, University of Minnesota

Laura Dupont-Jarrett is the Mental Health Abroad Strategist & Educator at the University of Minnesota, as well as a licensed psychologist who has worked in higher education for over 20 years as an academic advisor, mental health counselor, instructor, trainer, and administrator. Laura received her MA and PhD in Counseling & Student Personnel Psychology and her BA in Psychology and French, including short-term study in France.

Vanessa Nichol-Peters, Marist Italy (Marist University)

Vanessa Nichol-Peters has a record of over 20 years of leadership experience in the field of education abroad. She began as a program coordinator in Zimbabwe with SIT before moving to its Vermont campus to work on international compliance. She later directed SIT programs in South Africa and served as Associate Dean of African Programs. For over a decade, she has led Marist University's Florence campus. Vanessa holds an MBA, an MSc in Community Development, and a PhD in African History.


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How to Cite

Barneche, M., Dupont-Jarrett, L., & Nichol-Peters, V. (2025). The Weight of the World: An Overview of Current Trends in Student and Program Staff Mental Health and Well-Being Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 37(1), 270–293.



Special Issue on U.S. Education Abroad: The View from Europe

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