Two Personality Variables and the Cross-cultural Adjustment of Study Abroad Students


  • J. Kline Harrison
  • Elizabeth Voelker



Study abroad, Personality characteristics, Education abroad, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurial attitude orientation, cross-cultural adjustment


This article presents a study which focuses on two personality characteristics--emotional intelligence and entrepreneurial attitude orientation, which are expected to impact the cross-cultural adjustment of students while studying abroad. Based on self-assessments by university students who have studied abroad for a semester, this research examines the impact of both personality characteristics on their adjustment to their host culture.


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Author Biographies

J. Kline Harrison

J. Kline Harrison is the Associate Provost for International Affairs at Wake Forest University, where he also serves as the Kemper Professor of Business in the Wayne Colloway School of Business and Accountancy. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland. His areas of teaching include Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, and International Business. Dr. Harrison’s research primarily focuses on international human resource management. His publications include articles in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Administrative Science Quarterly, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, and Journal of Management Education, as well as a book, Personnel/Human Resource Skills Modules. 

Elizabeth Voelker

Elizabeth Voelker is a 2007 graduate of Wake Forest University, where she received her undergraduate degree in Spanish with a minor in International Studies. She currently works for the Teach for America program in Houston, Texas. 


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How to Cite

Harrison, J. K., & Voelker, E. (2008). Two Personality Variables and the Cross-cultural Adjustment of Study Abroad Students. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 17(1), 69–87.



Research Articles