The Impact of Cultural Intelligence and Psychological Hardiness on Homesickness among Study Abroad Students
Study Abroad, Education abroad, Psychological adjustment, Study success, AssessmentAbstract
Because of the growth and impact of study abroad experiences, it is important to identify and evaluate factors contributing to students’ success. Unfortunately, a survey of leading U.S. study abroad institutions found that 96% of assessment instruments only gauged students’ satisfaction as the single measurement of success (Berg, 2003). In contrast, the literature on international job assignments identifies psychological adjustment as a vital construct underlying the success of expatriate employee experiences (Selmer & Leung, 2003). Furthermore, personality characteristics or stable personal traits are considered among the most important factors affecting the psychological adjustment of expatriate employees, and thus their success (Huang, Chi & Lawler, 2005; Jassawalla, Truglia, & Garvey, 2004). Two of these traits that are especially appropriate in the study of successful cross-cultural adjustment are cultural intelligence and psychological hardiness. This article presents a study about these constructs and presents a rationale for predictions about their impact on successful psychological adjustment for study abroad participants.
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