Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Fostering Reflection


  • Ali Hamilton Rhodes College
  • Donald Rubin University of Georgia
  • Michael Tarrant University of Georgia & University of Sunshine Coast
  • Mikkel Gleason University of Georgia



Study abroad, Digital storytelling, Reflection


Reflection is an essential process for optimizing student learning outcomes in study abroad. Composing digital stories is a promising strategy for achieving high quality reflection. In this project we developed and explicated a rubric for assessing how students used the d igital storytelling format to reflect on their study abroad experiences. We analyzed undergraduates’ digital stories for evidence of both (a) disciplinary thinking in the field of sustainability and (b) intercultural understanding. Qualitative findings sug gest that the digital story format offers students an opportunity to weave together digital artifacts that they often are already collecting. The process of creating digital stories both promotes and displays reflection. We also present an adapted rubric f or assessing targeted learning outcomes manifest in digital stories produce d by learners studying abroad. Applying the rubric revealed variability among students in achieving the aims of a digital story reflection


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How to Cite

Hamilton, A., Rubin, D., Tarrant, M., & Gleason, M. (2019). Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Fostering Reflection. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 31(1), 59–73.