John J. Bodinger De Uriarte and Michael A. Di Giovine, editors. Study Abroad and the Quest for an Anti-Tourism Experience. Lexington Books, 2021. 364 pages.


  • Anne Schiller George Mason University



study abroad, education abroad, tourism


Study Abroad and the Quest for an Anti-Tourism Experience is a welcome addition to literatures on tourism, higher education, and social and economic sustainability. It considers the relationship between study abroad and tourism, and examines how study abroad is affected by its position within the neoliberal university system. Study abroad is approached as a form of mobility that has some commonalities with tourism, yet is itself also a form of anti-tourism by virtue of its emphasis on ethical engagement. Although most of the contributions are by anthropologists, the book is resolutely interdisciplinary. Chapters are data-rich and theoretically sophisticated; many offer practical insights that will be useful to university international officers as well as faculty who lead study abroad programs themselves. The volume will also appeal to scholars in the field of tourism, in particular those with an interest in the emerging subfield of the anthropology of study abroad.

Abstract in Italian

Il volume collettaneo Study Abroad and the Quest for an Anti-Tourism Experience offre un apporto significativo all’avanzamento delle ricerche su temi quali il turismo, l’istruzione universitaria e la sostenibilità in campo sociale ed economico. I contributi pongono al centro la relazione fra il turismo e i programmi di mobilità studentesca internazionale (short-term study abroad), analizzando in che misura essi risultino condizionati dal sistema universitario neoliberista. I programmi di studio all’estero sono considerati un tipo di mobilità internazionale che presenta alcune affinità con il turismo; allo stesso tempo, tuttavia, possono caratterizzarsi anche come forma di “anti-turismo” laddove favoriscano l’impegno etico verso la comunità ospitante. Sebbene la maggior parte dei saggi inclusi siano opera di antropologi, il volume si colloca decisamente in una prospettiva interdisciplinare. Ciascuna ricerca risulta ben fondata su evidenze e modelli teorici raffinati; alcuni contributi indicano suggerimenti concreti tanto ai funzionari che si occupano di formazione terziaria internazionale quanto ai docenti che gestiscono in proprio questi programmi. L’opera è di sicuro interesse, inoltre, per gli studiosi di scienze turistiche, soprattutto per chi conduce ricerche nella disciplina emergente dell’antropologia dei programmi di studio all’estero a breve termine.


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Author Biography

Anne Schiller, George Mason University

Anne Schiller, George Mason University, is a professor of anthropology. The results of her fieldwork on social change in Florence are the subject of her most recent books, Merchants in the City of Art: Work, Identity, and Social Change in a Florentine Neighborhood (University of Toronto Press 2016), and Commercianti a Firenze. Identità e Cambiamento nel Quartiere di San Lorenzo (Carocci editore 2016). Her current ethnographic project, based in Lecce, concerns the role of informal social groups in building multinational social networks and increasing intercultural understanding.


John J. Bodinger De Uriarte and Michael A. Di Giovine, editors. Study Abroad and the Quest for An Anti-Tourism Experience. Lexington Books, 2021.




How to Cite

Schiller, A. (2022). John J. Bodinger De Uriarte and Michael A. Di Giovine, editors. Study Abroad and the Quest for an Anti-Tourism Experience. Lexington Books, 2021. 364 pages. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 34(1), 187–191.



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