Understanding Inclusion and Equity in Community College Education Abroad


  • Melissa Whatley North Carolina State University
  • Rosalind Latiner Raby California State University, Northridge




Inclusion, Community college, Education abroad, Policies and practice, Study abroad


This study explores the extent to which community college study abroad is exclusive, meaning that opportunities are restricted only to certain students, or inclusive, meaning that education abroad is available to all that express interest. We administered a survey collecting both quantitative and qualitative data to leaders in community college education abroad to gain insight into inclusion in education abroad programming at their institutions. This survey was designed with an eye towards understanding how access is realized and the ways in which diversity in education abroad is supported (or not). Our results indicate that community college study abroad is neither entirely inclusive nor entirely exclusive. We conclude with a call to action for community college leaders to build a new, inclusive narrative surrounding education abroad.


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How to Cite

Whatley, M., & Raby, R. L. (2020). Understanding Inclusion and Equity in Community College Education Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 32(1), 80–103. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v32i1.435