Introduction: Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad


  • Kris Acheson Purdue University
  • Lan Jin Purdue University
  • Aletha Stahl Purdue University
  • Katherine Yngve Purdue University



assessment, study abroad, education abroad, intercultural learning, pedagogy, assessment as pedagogy


This essay introduces the Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad, which seeks to answer the question: How can we guide educators toward specific and intentional alignment of learning objectives, the learning context, and learner capacities and needs so that students achieve the desired learning outcomes? The Guest Editors briefly describe the articles selected for the special issue, focusing on three categories: Macro-Level Studies, Micro-Level Studies, and Innovative Approaches. Future directions for assessment in education abroad are suggested, with a focus on leveraging assessment to increase community reciprocity, cultural responsiveness, differentiated learning, and access in education abroad.

Abstract in Spanish

Este ensayo presenta la colección especial de Frontiers sobre el tema, “El uso pedagógico de la evaluación de aprendizaje,” que trata la cuestión de ¿cómo se puede guiar los maestros en la planificación intencional de alcanzar objetivos de aprendizaje en contextos específicos y con una variedad de capacidades estudiantiles? El equipo de editoras invitadas describe resumidamente los artículos incluidos en la colección, enfocando en tres categorías:  los estudios de investigación a nivel macro, los a nivel micro, y los estudios con métodos innovadores. Se ofrecen recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones en el área de estudios de la educación internacional, con énfasis en el aprovechamiento de la evaluación de aprendizaje estudiantil para mejorar la reciprocidad comunitaria, la capacidad de sensibilidad cultural, la enseñanza diferenciada, y el acceso a la educación internacional.

Abstract in French

Dans cet essai, nous présentons le numéro spécial sur l'évaluation comme outil didactique, sujet destiné à répondre à la question : Comment guider les éducateurs à aligner les objectifs d'apprentissage, le contexte d'apprentissage, ainsi que les capacités et les besoins des étudiants afin que s'achevent les résultats d'apprentissage visés ? L'équipe de rédacteurs invités décrit en résumé les articles sélectionnés pour ce numéro en misant sur trois catégories : les études au niveau macro, les études au niveau micro, et les approches innovatrices. On propose également des orientations futures en soulignant l'exploitation de l'évaluation d'apprentissage afin d'augmenter la réciprocité communitaire, la sensibilité culturelle, l'apprentissage différencié, et l'accès à l'éducation à l'étranger.

Abstract in Mandarin



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Author Biographies

Kris Acheson, Purdue University

Kris Acheson earned a PhD in Intercultural Communication in 2008 from Arizona State University. She served as faculty in Applied Linguistics at Georgia State for 6 years and as a Fulbright Scholar to Honduras in 2015. At Purdue University, Dr. Acheson-Clair directs the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR). She is a well-published scholar in the area of intercultural competence development and assessment.

Lan Jin, Purdue University

Lan Jin earned a PhD in Consumer Behavior in 2017 from Purdue University. She is currently an Intercultural Research Specialist in the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR) at Purdue University. Her major research interests lie in the area of intercultural competence development and diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education. She is particularly interested in developing intercultural interventions using innovative approaches to improve intercultural competence and other student learning outcomes.

Aletha Stahl, Purdue University

Aletha Stahl earned a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Iowa and was formerly Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Earlham College where she developed and led programs in Martinique, Haiti, and Benin among others. At Purdue University, she serves as a Senior Intercultural Learning Specialist in the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR), focusing on curricular needs assessments and intervention design related to intercultural learning.

Katherine Yngve, Purdue University

Katherine Yngve, a “recovering” Senior International Officer (American University of Beirut), now works for Purdue’s Institutional Data Analysis + Assessment (“IDATA”) team. She specializes in scaling up of evidence-based intercultural and diversity learning in on-campus, virtual and overseas learning contexts. A founding content-creator for NAFSA’s Teaching, Learning & Scholarship community, she is now the “assessment sage” for the Intercultural Learning Hub (, and co-founder of Purdue’s new Community of Practice on Socially Just Assessment.


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How to Cite

Acheson, K., Jin, L., Stahl, A., & Yngve, K. (2021). Introduction: Special Issue on Assessment as Pedagogy in Education Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 33(1), 1–10.

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