Enhancing Intercultural Learning in Study Abroad Through an Online Curriculum in Group-Mentored Intervention


  • Lan Jin Purdue University
  • Aparajita Jaiswal Purdue University
  • Daniel C. Jones Purdue University
  • Muna Sapkota Purdue University
  • Shauna N. McClure Purdue University
  • Aletha Stahl Purdue University




AAC&U IKC Rubric, curriculum design, intercultural competence, mixed-method


Scholars suggest that study abroad programs must intentionally design and implement intercultural intervention for students’ growth. This study used a mixed-method approach to examine the effectiveness of an online curriculum designed to facilitate the intercultural competence development of semester abroad students. Three theories informed the curricular design and study: the Intercultural Development Continuum, the Intercultural Praxis Model, and the Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE rubric. Using the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) distributed before and after the study abroad experience, the study analyzed data sets for a treatment group with 110 students and a control group with 88 students. The results demonstrated that students in the treatment group achieved a statistically significant higher level of meaningful gains in their IDI scores from pre- to post-test compared to the control group. In addition, students described their growth in specific competencies. These findings contribute to study abroad literature by assessing a theoretically-grounded online curriculum rooted in intercultural theories so as to suggest best practices in group mentoring, stage-based pedagogy, and critical reflection for intercultural competence development during a study abroad program.

Abstract in French

Selon les spécialistes, si l’on veut favoriser le développement interculturel des étudiants, il est essentiel que les programmes permettant d'étudier à l'étranger dessinent et mettent en œuvre une logique d’intervention explicite. Dans cette étude fondée sur les méthodes de recherches mixtes, on examinera l’efficacité d’un cours en ligne qui a été conçu pour faciliter le développement de la compétence interculturelle des étudiants qui suivent un semestre d'études à l’étranger. La conception à la fois du cours et de l’étude est basée sur trois théories : le Continuum du développement interculturel, le Modèle de praxis interculturel, et la Rubrique des connaissances et compétences interculturelles. L’étude comprend une analyse de séries de données provenant du questionnaire Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), complété avant et après l'expérience à l’étranger par un groupe de traitement de 110 étudiants et par un groupe témoin de 88 étudiants. Les scores sur le questionnaire IDI avant-après du groupe de traitement font preuve d'un gain important sur le plan statistique par rapport aux scores du groupe témoin. De plus, ces premiers arrivent à décrire leur développement dans certains domaines. Il en résulte que cette analyse d’un cours en ligne basé sur la théorie a des implications importantes pour le développement interculturel pendant un programme d’études à l’étranger, notamment en ce qui concerne les pratiques exemplaires de mentorat en groupe, de pédagogie en fonction d'étape, et de réflexion critique.

Abstract in German

Wissenschaftler weisen darauf hin, dass Auslandsstudienprogramme vorsätzliche interkulturelle Interventionen für die Entwicklung der Studierenden entwerfen und umsetzen müssen. In dieser Studie wurde gemischte Forschungsmethoden verwendet, um die Wirksamkeit eines Online-Curriculums zu untersuchen, das die Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenzen von Auslandssemesterstudierenden erleichtern soll. Drei Theorien liegten in die Gestaltung und das Studium des Lehrplans zugrunde: das interkulturelle Entwicklungskontinuum, »the Intercultural Praxis Model« und »the Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric.« Mithilfe des interkulturellen Entwicklungsindikator (IDI), das vor und nach dem Auslandsstudium verteilt wurde, wurden Daten für eine Behandlungsgruppe mit 110 Studierenden und eine Kontrollgruppe mit 88 Studierenden analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Studierenden in der Behandlungsgruppe im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe ein statistisch signifikant höheres Maß an aussagekräftigen Zuwächsen bei ihren IDI-Werten von Pre- zu Posttest erzielten. Darüber hinaus beschrieben die Studierenden ihre Entwicklung in bestimmten Bereichen. Diese Ergebnisse tragen zur Literatur des Auslandsstudiums bei, indem sie einen theoretisch fundierten Online-Curriculum bewerten, der auf bewährten Methoden des Gruppen-Mentorings, der stufenbasierten Pädagogik und der kritischen Reflexion zur Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenz während eines Auslandsstudienprogramms basiert und diese vorschlägt.

Abstract in Chinese

为了促进学生的个人成长,学者们建议留学项目必须有意识地设计和实施跨文化干预。本研究采用混合方法以检验一门在线课程的有效性。该课程旨在促进留学生在学期内的跨文化能力发展。三个理论构成了此课程设计和研究的基础:跨文化发展连续体 (IDC), 跨文化实践模型(Intercultural Praxis Model),以及跨文化知识与能力评估表(IKC VALUE Rubric)。利用留学前后分发的跨文化发展量表(IDI), 本文作者们对110名干预组学生和88名对照组学生的数据集进行了分析。结果表明,与对照组相比,干预组学生在IDI分数从前测到后测的有意义增长方面取得了统计学上显著性的更高进步。此外,学生们描述了他们在特定领域的成长。这些发现通过评估一个基于理论的在线课程为留学文献做出了贡献。该课程根植于并提出了在学生参加留学项目期间开展跨文化能力发展的最佳实践,如团体辅导、阶段性教学法和批判性反思。


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Author Biographies

Lan Jin, Purdue University

Lan Jin, PhD, previously worked as an Intercultural Research Specialist at the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR). Currently she is a Project Manager at Novartis. Her major research interests lie in the area of intercultural competence development in the classroom, study abroad programs, virtual exchange programs, and co-curricular programs, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is particularly interested in developing intercultural interventions for teaching and learning using innovative approaches to improve intercultural competence.

Aparajita Jaiswal, Purdue University

Aparajita Jaiswal, PhD, is an Intercultural Research Specialist with CILMAR, Purdue University. Her research endeavors revolve around exploring strategies for seamlessly integrating intercultural learning into both regular curriculum and study abroad programs. Aparajita actively engages in offering guidance in developing research studies, curriculum enhancements, and assessment methods pertaining to integration and cultivation of intercultural competence. Her expertise extends to facilitating workshops and training sessions, catering to the needs of both staff and students within Purdue University.

Daniel C. Jones, Purdue University

Daniel C. Jones, PhD, is Senior Intercultural Learning Specialist at the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research at Purdue. Dan’s background is in German linguistics and literature, having taught in secondary and post-secondary education since 2000. His Intercultural career began as a founding member of CILMAR. Dan oversees a semester abroad course (SAIL) and an intercultural training for study abroad leaders (IPG). Additionally, Dan also contributes to faculty mentoring, curriculum and ICL resource design.

Muna Sapkota, Purdue University

Muna Sapkota is a third-year doctoral student in Curriculum studies in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Purdue University. Before coming to Purdue, she taught secondary and undergraduate English courses in Nepal and is now a graduate course instructor for EDCI 20500: Exploring Teaching as a Career. Her research interests include social justice in education, intercultural competency in instructional contexts, and culturally relevant teaching practices.

Shauna N. McClure, Purdue University

Shauna N. McClure is from West Lafayette, Indiana and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Higher Education at Purdue University. Her research interests lie at the intersection of Quantitative Critical Race Theory and data analytics, where she seeks to unpack the complexities of racial dynamics embedded within data practices and policies within academia.

Aletha Stahl, Purdue University

Aletha Stahl, PhD, is a Lead Intercultural Learning Specialist at the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment, and Research at Purdue University. After two decades as a faculty member at a liberal arts college where in addition to teaching she advised and designed and led programs in places like Haiti and Martinique, Aletha now writes curriculum, partners with instructors to bring intercultural learning to students, designs and facilitates workshops and classes, and manages a mentoring program.


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How to Cite

Jin, L., Jaiswal, A., Jones, D. C., Sapkota, M., McClure, S. N., & Stahl, A. (2024). Enhancing Intercultural Learning in Study Abroad Through an Online Curriculum in Group-Mentored Intervention. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 36(1), 350–383. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v36i1.811



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