An Intersectional Investigation of Study Abroad Intent among Latino/a and White First-generation College Students


  • Susan B. Goldstein University of Redlands
  • Henry N. Lopez



study abroad, first-generation college students, Latino/a, intersectionality


Despite a marked increase in study abroad participation in recent decades, first-generation students and Students of Color remain vastly underrepresented.  The current study sought to expand the extant literature on first-generation and Latino/a students’ study abroad participation by applying an intersectional approach to identifying predictors of study abroad intent.  A total of 478 undergraduates (Latino/a and White; first-generation and continuing-generation) completed a questionnaire based on previously identified predictors of study abroad intent.  Separate binary logistic regression analyses for each of the four (ethnicity x generational status) subgroups indicated that personality and intercultural variables predicted intent to study abroad solely for the White continuing-generation students. Exposure to study abroad was a primary predictor of intent across subgroups, yet significant between-group differences emerged regarding the source and extent of this exposure. Implications for study abroad advising and inclusive participation are discussed.


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How to Cite

Goldstein, S. B., & Lopez, H. N. (2021). An Intersectional Investigation of Study Abroad Intent among Latino/a and White First-generation College Students. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 33(2), 1–16.



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